HBO CEO of Tits

It also gives them more opportunities to do the fun subtitle thing they like.

I really liked the antagonist, fwiw.

Which is weird because Wick flatly states it during the movie.

Yeah I hate all three of those so… I guess my point is that musical theater is bad and for dorks.

Rock Operas are also bad though.

Yes I did. Todd wrote a very bad piece and should do better next time.

The specific Doc it likely takes it's premise from is a little film called "The Boot Cake," about a tiny town in rural India that throws a big festival for Charlie Chaplin on his birthday every year, lookalikes and all.

Probably because it is smaller than places like Dayton, Ohio and Naperville, Illinois.

Agreed. I was like "Oh, guess Bernard's a robot. And now we're… killing smoking lady? Sure, fine, whatever." This show has a serious problem creating any investment in it at all, if you don't particularly cotton to the shiny puzzle box aspect.

It's between Dr. Strange and Thumbsucker for my favorite Swinton/Bratt colaboration.

I was hoping the after credits screen would be the rehab guy getting fired for giving Strange Benjamin Bratt's medical records. I was just dumbfounded mouthing "HIPPA VIOLATION" to myself for like 5 minutes.

TWICE. Caught Malaria TWICE. and He was like 5 foot 4 and fudged his age to get in the army in the first place.

It sounds like my reaction to catching "To Hell and Back" on AMC when I was a teen. This was a movie about famed war hero Audie Murphy, STARRING famed war hero Audie Murphy, in the Audie Murphy story. His war buddy is shot down by nazis and he climbs on top of a FLAMING tank and machine guns down like 50 nazis while

He had many #1 hits on the r and b charts. Sad fact of the era of "race" records.

Leon Redbone was like 24 in his first Saturday night live appearance. It continually blows my mind.

I fucking love chuck berry.

I also want him destroying the nation of latveria over 200 dollars

Or the end of As I Lay Dying.

Also Dude, Where's my Car? Well, to be fair, Dude, Where's my Car? trailers.

God Goon is so damn good.