
I agree. That was more of a thought experiment.
In groups of any size people specialize.
Megan shows an aptitude for learning X and becomes the group expert on X.

It's the reason I've never started the Wheel of Time series, even though I'm 100% sure they are awesome.


We're terrible listeners, so talking things to death is inefficient and frustrating, which is why we hate meetings and elect/delegate people to talk things to death for us.
Most people would rather devote that time to production or leisure.
A Leader-less society could function in a very small population that had social

The idea that a new political system can make a country into a totally different one ignores the fact that political systems are large scale organizations of existing cultures.

That's the problem with communism. I grew up in a rural area where people would have skinned you alive for calling them communists, but that's essentially how I grew up.

Political systems are formalized large-scale expressions of culture.
Unchecked Capitalism leads to boom/bust cycles as capital and influence concentrates into the hands of fewer and fewer people.
Capitalism works best when it's regulated, keeping capital and influence dispersed via a large middle class that consumes

Yes, it did.
Unchecked systems favor those who are already powerful.
Capitalism doesn't work for people who don't have capital or even own their own labor to trade.
Those people have no power or leverage within the system and no means to gain it.

It's hard to have financial independence when you have no legal right to the money you earn.
In the 19th century husbands or fathers could and often did show up to take a woman's paycheck before she ever saw a penny.

Season 1 Korra would have been really defensive about how badly she damaged the ship, and tried to make it right by blindly striking out at things.

I like their relationship sans Mako, and wish they would develop that more.
This is the first season of LoK that made me wish for 22 episodes instead of 13. There's more nuance in the group relationships now and it's a shame there's not room to let them unfold.

I wish they'd spent less time building up the conflict between them, and more time showing it.
The fight between them was beautiful, but lacked the depth of emotion it should have had. Two minutes of flashback was not enough.

Part of being a parent is learning to let go of developmental stages. Which sucks because it's usually right about the time that you've gotten the hang of one that they're ready to move on to the next.
They always suck at the next stage.
They insist they can do it without your help, but you know they're going to choke

Please tell me you were referencing the final scene in 'Some Like it Hot'
'Cause I'm picturing you saying that in a captain's hat with a saucy grin.

I consider prostitution to be a service industry. Working as an escort is to street prostitution as being a server at a three star restaurant is to waiting tables at Denny's.
People pay for other kinds of intimate services like surgery, massages, and psychotherapy without the world falling apart at the seams.

Didn't Vee and her group ruin Rosa's lunch when she refused to give up her table to them?

There are several ways of going about it.
The one with the best outcome is for them to correspond online, then if that goes well, then the man travels to the other country for several 1-2 week dates.
If that goes well the man returns for another couple of weeks to meet the family. If that goes well, they marry, and he

I agree. Janae's experience with the SHU and how arbitrarily she was put there has taken a guarded and regretful teenager and made her a cold, hard young woman.
The way she blew off Yoga Jones had truth to it, but was so much harsher than last season's Janae would have been to her friend.

Healy was trying when he created Safe Place.
His intentions were good, and I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt that his feelings of loneliness and disconnection made him empathetic of the prisoners same feelings.
But as many years as he has worked there, it was unforgivably ignorant of him to not think of

My background is that of the guards, but after a lot of work and luck I've clawed my way into the middle class.
My first reply to this had a big long justification for why I shop at Whole Foods because I'm bougie and still a little defensive about it.