
I can see this. It feels right, though I don't like it.
Piper made me cringe last season, and don't need Larry to remind me how awful she was.

He does enjoy fucking with people's heads. I could see him going along with things at first to get a rise out of Bennett, then deciding he wanted Daya for himself.
S1 suggested that Tricia's death did penetrate the shroud of amoral self-absorption he surrounds himself with. I think there was an awareness that he had

I think the Stubenville case and others like it have shown pretty conclusively that when town heroes are accused/convicted of rape everyone is on board to put the blame on the terrible sleazy slut who seduced them into sin. Even if said 'slut' is unconscious.

I think she was being defensive about the connection between her teeth and her meth use since she was trying to be a Christian at the time, and was also very aware of the class difference between her and Piper.

I'm liking this for the Healy part of this comment which was very well stated.
While I believe that Caputo cares about his job, and wants to provide the inmates with a functional buliding, he still gives me a creep vibe.

I'm on board with the love for Yadriel (his name according to the OITNB wiki).
He seems like a quiet, steady guy, and I'm interested to see his and Maria's backstory.

It's not genetics, at least not directly.
Google 'Meth Mouth'. Or don't. Pennsetucky had the prettied up Hollywood version.
Scurvy is… not attractive

Bennett is a young Healy.

She doesn't think it would be a good idea, but with all his advantages over her (being a respected white male veteran who is not a convicted felon) he has yet to come up with any ideas of his own about how he will leverage that privilege to their child's advantage.

I think the Bennett/Pornstache dicotomy is being done to show how much Bennett isn't a nice guy. He's quiet and unobtrusive so people project niceness on to him.
Pornstache is a terrible person, but of the two he was the one to use a condom with Daya, to acknowledge their relationship of his own accord (with Bennett

I don't think the show is backing her ideas so much as backing her frustration that Bennett isn't giving any thought to how he's going to parent his child.
As things stand right now, he's content to bang Daya in closets and cover his ass while Cesar's current girlfriend/Daya's next oldest sibling raises the baby in a

I thought that as well in season one, but her sleeping with Pornstache killed it.
Right now as it stands, short of DNA testing, Pornstache has the best claim on paternity and anyone smart enough to manipulate all that is smart enough to not leave her baby in that position. I'd take Cesar over Pornstache as a father

I don't think Daya has forgotten what Pornstache is.

I loved those scenes of Maria with her boyfriend and baby girl so much. The last two of the season had me in tears.

It made me so angry that the moment after Chapman dropped her arms from Pennsetucky, she didn't go find Suzanne and thank her.

Vee put abandoned kids in danger for profit, abandoned Taystee when she was paroled, is setting up Suzanne to take the fall for whatever contraband (probably drugs) she's going to be bringing in, and now she's breaking up Taystee and Poussey?!