
In the novella King (through Red) is explicit about Andy's repeated rapes, and describes how to keep the leaking blood from staining your pants.

Shoukath is a wonderful character actor, he's a natural in front of the camera, and it would make me really happy to see him pop up other places.

Courtesy titles are pretty common in the American Southeast where he grew up as well. I grew up there, and familiarity of his mannerisms and speech patterns puts me at ease.
It's one of the things that makes him so likeable for me, That combination of courteous, cocky, playful, good old boy and confident, educated,

It wasn't done for comic effect. It was done as a reflection of real relationships.

Yeah, a scene with loving, playful, sex between two people who support each other is good by me! I loved getting that bit of insight into their relationship.

He's a young, hot, and a hero. I'm pretty sure at least half of Republic City would be happy to make music with him.

Ray has not been written as a good person so far.
"Boundary issues" is not the way to describe someone who uses their power and influence to violate basic social norms.

Of all the relationships he's had, I found Oliver and Sara to make the most sense.
Sara knew him inside and out, the best and worst of him from every part of his life, and had a big sister kind of affection towards him, despite his being older.
She understood that if everything they had been through couldn't dent his

I don't like Oliver with anyone, and agree that Felicity and Ray make sense, but that is entirely due to Routh's acting.

Yes. Ray minus the creep factor is a good match for Felicity. Brandon Routh's good-natured charm works well with her playful but serious personality. I'm not getting why he's written as a Lifetime movie villain.
Why couldn't he have just been a confident man who was straight-forward about his attraction to her?

I really hope Oliver ends up with no one romantically.

I get why Felicity would go for Ray.
She openly yearned for Oliver. She's not a game player, and was up front, realistic, and fair.
In return she got Oliver yanking her emotions every which way, giving just enough to keep her interested, then backing off.

Waller is holding her their family hostage until she gets what she wants from Oliver.
Her anger at Oliver not taking things seriously would be more meaningful if Waller was being played by someone as piss your pants terrifying as Waller in the comics.

I'm not a Laurel fan, at all. But I wish this had been the storyline for S2 Laurel. That instead of falling into a bottle, she had used her grief over Tommy's death to train with Wildcat.

He was nine and she was high school. I don't think a 5-8 year difference in age is a big deal. He's in his mid 20s, she's in her early 30s.

There was more chemistry and connection in Ichabod's bow to Caroline, than in all the declarations of being soulmates between Ichabod and Katrina.

"Are you adopted?"


I'm holding off until we get more info.

Diggle did stuff, and had lines!!!