Kal El

Just watched it A good episode lol not sure what is going on with me for totally forgetting it even though it had lovejoy in it. Must up the meds. Cheers fella

Did I miss an episode? when did the hound meet up with the brotherhood? In fact when was it decided he was not dead (Not book hound, hooded monk)How have I missed this ? Legit question

Come in peace leave in pieces ! sweet

I member so cool. Member the Cure kicked Cartman in the balls ..

So a show currently satirising nostalgia gets criticised for not being as good as an old episode, You win again.

I for one welcome our New orangutan Overlord

The day after Brexit all the leaders quit as they realised they could not actually do what they promised to do………….

at pretty much any other time that would make me laugh but today it just feels true

I feel like Sir Ben Kinglsey at the end of his guest role in the sopranos

Well I am not sure what the right emoji would be for this situation but my condolences to you America …….and to all of us

I remember the episode they did after Obama got in. Pretty sure they have something prepared but it might just be twenty minutes of Mr garrison taking a shit on the stars and stripes.

No. No he's not

Just want to say this show is still excellent, I have a feeling that Cartman is actually being genuine. He has been so bad for so long I think this is it this is his shot at redemption this is where he finally changes, unfortunately it wont last and something terrible will befall him leading to an even worse cartman

Token's Life Matters ! Genius

sorry mate i was trying to be obviously sarcastic ……and failed

No offence mate. I wrongly assumed you were being a pedantic twat.

As long as nothing has changed in those thousands of years we should be fine !

"The UK loses some bargaining power, because now it's only the UK and not the entire EU" Yes but as the EU is sorry was by far the biggest importer of UK goods do you think it might be a bad idea to leave our position of being able to influence their policies ?
The USA warned that we would be "at the back of queue"

Why thanks for that but as you agree I am right I'm not sure how to continue this argument …………..wait I've got it let us debate two different political systems and how best to enforce the results of a referendum in a country that, neither has a constitution, or any protocols for implementing this change

I am the walrus ?