Kal El

This comment. This comment right here is exactly why remain lost. How do you argue against someone who uses empty phrases like this. Freer and Stronger how ? If you havent noticed we now have no leader and no plan…..is that freer or is that stronger ? The promises that were made have already been recanted so thats

Sorry we posted at the same time but i was ruder. Totally agree mate !

That was not in fact the point Oliver was making. In order to take away the largest weapon in the UKIP arsenal and in an act of blatant self interest Cameron offered a referendum so that he could get voted in and gambled on the idea that he could then win that election. He went all in and lost and that is why Oliver

Anyone else get a strong "Druss the Legend " vibe from the hound chopping wood and returning to find the peaceful people who fear him massacred ?

Exactly ! I'm calling shenanigans !

Lyla is plain and simple god Damn awesome.

Sorry , I may have missed something but why did damiens' magic stop working ?!?

I am amazed to see the negative reaction to this episode (great job internet ) but I hope just this once the Hodor tribute account will expand it's vocabulary to three words. A very touching and terrifying episode…..brilliant

I had no idea this existed ! I was having a bit of a shoddy day but now it is made glorious sunlight !!

Just as I was getting worried I would have no one to share this with. If you were going to guess one country in the world where Rob Schneider is a an actual star where would you guess ?

Wow thanks for writing this. I will now completely ignore the evidence tampering and concentrate on the evidence of a forced confession from a minor with learning difficulties and unsourced gossip. Good work AV club !

Odd I can't see any mention of racism and by that I mean I fully expected to see a debate raging in the comments section about the use of racial slurs and the considerable misogyny on show throw out the movie.
Well allow me to get it started,

Whoa there Nelly Just because you like more Vonnegut it does not mean Heller only wrote one good book. As Good as Gold is hilarious and even Closing Time was fun although I would say it was not really a sequel.

So glad to have them back ! The best comedy on air right now

Or he could at least get a recurring role on Always Sunny ! Up in that ass so to say

I seem to be in the minority here but that pretty much went to plan.
Walk of shame pushed to unbearably long, dour and depressing conclusion ? Check
Arya killing someone and being punished for still being arya ? Check
Sansa and Reek jumping off the castle wall ? Check
Khalesi reunited with the dothraki ? Check
Jon Snow

Yes exactly ! Also Strange's man servant surviving the night of the open windows was one of the funniest scenes in the first few chapters or rather the way he exaggerated the story to the other servants was. Also there seems to be a marked absence of the downstairs residents which I understand but is still a loss in

May I just say WELL DONE AV CLUB ! This is by far the most polite, literate and charming comments section of any show on here and that is as it should be for such an excellent book and all round good show.

In case people are not convinced perhaps you could mention who Flashmans' character is based on? That usually tweaks peoples interest.

Thank God this is on here now !* I was going mad with no one else to talk to about this. Firstly let me say that I am just glad to have a TV version of this fantastic story but from the first episode the obvious limitations of the budget serve as a severe constraint on the storytelling choices of the producers and