Michael Thompson

"Income Disposal: Seinfeld and Community"

Netflix's utility dropped significantly when they lost Law and Order Seasons 1-8 and Law and Order: SVU Seasons 1-12. What's the point of TV if you can't watch Law and Order? Back to cable for me.

David Simon or public ejaculation?

I expect more public ejaculation in an AV Club article mentioning Dan Harmon writing. If I remember correctly from Community reviews, Dan Harmon is sort of like David Simon (in his genius and poignancy and tragic sense of humanity), but funnier.

Me too.

Best post on the thread. I used to play the game on mute sometimes because the sounds scared me too much - the pinky-demon snarl was #2, #1 was hearing that awful Imp scratching sound and realize there is an ape on your back ripping the shit out of you.

Some people just want to have a beautiful wife and daughter and house and study military history after making millions on the stock market and dabble in the CIA sometimes and fight Irish terrorism when we happen upon it, nothing wrong with that.

The analogy also holds up in that Ian Fleming and Tom Clancy are both casually racist and sexist.

"The show's feel-good take on life in middle school and high school lacks nuance and awareness of race and class. It squanders the opportunity to examine tough questions about childhood experience and poverty in Indiana and California.

"There is no continuity between the episodes. There are no ongoing storylines or character development. I would rather watch Community or The Wire, because they appeal more to people with more advanced tastes."

I don't think I had that thought while he was getting a handjob, but it was a year ago and I was high the whole time. Malcolm probably is somewhere in between, see his relationship with Simon Baker on The Mentalist.

As opposed to the men caught intentionally masturbating to steven tyler?

This ride was best when they did only one drop, and had all the dramatic buildup, and I was 9, and it was terrifying because I floated for a second.

My take home from this is "I am sad I never boinked (and couldn't and shouldn't have!) Melissa when I knew her, so I wrote some fanfic where I controlled the rest of her life with my storytelling."

provided that frank is married/loves his family to the point that we will murder criminals/cheats on his wife and joe is a cad

I do not care about Yoshi. I want to hear from Luigi - his bitterness about the so-called "Mario Brothers" and his anger over Super Mario 64.

If it's going to be a "contemporary take" then I hope Smart phones are a big part of the stories. Because you can't realistically do detectives in the contemporary world without Smart phones and I like my television to be realistic.

There were worms on those meteorites. They were the 2nd logical stage of the black oil (the 1st stage was 3rd season's piper maru/apocrypha)

it would just be 70 minutes of people talking about rob schneider and chris kattan

Dan Harmon sounds insufferable in that Rick and Morty interview. I don't like him.