
Give him some time to grow on you. After the first couple of grabs, it's not so jarring any more.

The kids they hired to write the movie were perfectly healthy. It was the script that gave them cancer and ruined their childhoods.

Eh. It's just sick kids/production assistants yelling suggestions at Hemsworth in front of a green screen.

Me too! Except swap porn star/born again for future wife and Twisted Metal 2, Jet-Moto and Resident Evil for Goldeneye until 5am.

There is a theater near me that has been showing old summer blockbusters (Jaws, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, etc.) all summer long and it's been fantastic. I wish more theaters would do that.

I was speaking generally and not necessarily about this specific story.

Agreed. Although much of the time the connotation is that anyone who found it funny is hate-filled and bigoted as well. It is also a little baffling that the target of this ire is a character that has been out of the public consciousness for decades. The skits may read highly insensitive now, but to imply that the

Fun Mom Fight Club?

The irony is that the fake ice cream contains sperm.

Wait just a minute here. Let's find out what he stabbed him with, before we make assumptions.

Are the three cops whole or half size?

No! In the potty! Bad Roast Beef! Bad!

He's not like those other jerks. He wants to creepily objectify your mind, so it's ok!

The whole time I was reading it, I kept on thinking about where the story would probably go and interesting ways that it should go. It even failed to live up to the cliched plot twists I assumed were coming. It's hard to like a book when you're constantly thinking of all the missed opportunities as you're reading it

And the nannies who will raise them.

I'm pretty sure he'd just go back to being a butler for Bob Uecker's family.

Luke Used Force, Sez Both Lady and the Tramp
-Soon to be fired Variety headline writer

Umm…I think I'm going to go hang out at the library.

It's certainly not fake for the kids fortunate enough to go. I'll never forget the look of joy my then three year old daughter had seeing Snow White. There were a few brief seconds that I was afraid her head would pop.

I've never seen a Waffle House that didn't look like it was built after 1960 and has a wait staff with all their teeth intact.