
Snatch Babies

Sold exclusively at RadioShack?

That's why I only rob the elderly. If you wait long enough, they forget about it or die off. It's practically a victimless crime!

I really hope they didn't pay someone actual money to write Sk8er Boi.

I'm surprised you managed to get a job at the Home Depot without any love making necessary.

I've been busy working on my masterpiece for the last 26 years. I call it, "Lemonade"!

No. At a certain point she got impatient with all our questions so we never brought it up again. She seemed to be alright with the idea of other women using knives.


The whole food falling from heaven bit was his idea!

BLATHERBLATHERBLATHER likes to eat his bag of dicks with mayo.

I once had a coworker who was raised to believe that a woman should never use a knife. She was normal in all other respects except she said that her father would always cut her steak for her, even well into her 20's. It goes without saying we had tons of questions.

Well, I think you can argue the appropriateness based on the fact we're involved in a circle jerk.

You were asking for it. Look at how you're dressed.

The ol' animatronic Rolling Stones ploy.

She wasn't really a sister. She was faking the whole time!

I can't wait to see who wins John Oliver vs. Moonlight!

The title makes so much more sense now.

Woo! Play How Do You Talk To Girls then Freebird!

Shit you must, or off pot you go. There is no try.

Well then which one is dweeb cotillion?