
You've never wondered who the Mac was in the Big Mac?

This is just Phase One in getting us to accept nothing but CGI actors. In the future they can point to high school yearbooks and say, "See? Celebrities were never real. They were always computer generated abominations."

I remember enjoying the first one primarily because of the visual style. After all the other Frank Miller adaptations like 300, it began to wear out it's welcome for me.

I like where you're going with this. Instead of the red carpet, the celebrities will have to make it under or over the wall. They can hand out a honorary award for fastest times. The message will be clear - "What was the point of spending 24 billion dollars if even Dame Judi Dench can make it over in a minute fifty

I'll also add some garlic. Either minced, roasted, or in powder form. People will tell me they can't quite make it like mine and it's always because they're missing my secret ingredient garlic.


They can always refuse to follow in the family business and set out on their own to make shitty movies.

My family gets "cursed with pregnancy". The minute you take a lower paying job to follow your dreams or buy a small cozy home with just enough room…….BAM!

My favorite move of hers is if an interviewer brings up her past as a reality tv villain or her reputation for being combative, she'll fight the interviewer on the fact she is not combative.

I like the idea of a car, but this whole bullet to my stomach sounds not so great. No one is that evil. I'm sure he'll pivot at some point and not shoot everyone.

Newswire has been boycotting stories about you. It's the circle of boycotts!

It makes a little more sense now that he wanted to get rid of it. He had no idea what the department even did.

The New Seduction tied up any loose threads satisfactorily.

For right now it would apply to those detained at airports as part of the travel ban.

He wants phones checked to see their contacts and also what social media they belong to.

Some of us weren't sure how emails work, yada yada yada, now during National Hate Week we have to report to the Freedom Wall construction site for our assignment.

Nobody invents Twitters. They are born when a man and a taco bowl fall deeply in love.

Plus, all detained contestants on GOPardy! stay at the luxurious Trump International Hotel (at taxpayer expense).

Oh, so just five days then?

"This doesn't really mean anything. These are just hand exercises to help you get buff digits, bro."