
If only makes sense that the arch-enemy of Emperor Tiny-Hands would be Mighty Micro-Feet Man.

What are you talking about? Charlie has cured AIDS!*

I saw it in 2-D and felt the opposite. i don't know if it was because most of his scenes were darker or what, but I didn't mind Tarkin as much. It was like Tron for me in that I felt the face was photo real, but when expressing emotion or talking you could tell something was slightly off. Leia, on the other hand,

Whew! That was a close one! Things almost got contentious there until you deployed the "I am rubber, you are glue" balm this country so desperately needed.

But then he'd spoil his bag of dicks dinner!

That's intentional so that she'll be the perfect CG character in the 2032 reboot.

Amateur Tip: If they're laughing at you, lie and tell them it's just the tip.

It's like life is a live movie! Our eyes are totally cameras and our brains are the vhs tapes that save the movie so we can watch parts later. Man, I feel so dizzy. What did you put in this banana bread, Woody?

Is that because Trump is putting Death in charge of fixing Obamacare?

Yeah, but she only leaves them on people's headstones and on public transportation.

If your poop is a perfect circular disk I would also consider a doctors visit.

Is that why you keep painting the Virgin Mary with them?

That's a good point. I guess my sticking point would be the fact they ran not only by the shuttle, but right past Luke. I just can't square the fact they would ignore an escaped prisoner and their injured leader. Also, I assume someone in charge must have been aware that the shields were down and fighters were

Drake: Look, man, all we need is the Aztec amulet, all right?

WTF is Beauregard!?!?!?!? SOOOOOO GAY!!!

I was always under the impression that the Imperials running in the background with all the alarms sounding were in the process of evacuating. I assumed no one running right past them gave a shit about Darth Vader being dragged around by a rebel prisoner because it was every man for himself at that point. It's been

Here's some money. Go see a Marvel Universe.

Maybe I'm missing something, but without Luke confronting them, wouldn't Vader and the Emperor just simply evacuate on a shuttle and live to fight another day? Luke found the time to escape even while dragging a near death Vader. Unless you're assuming they'd stay behind Grand Moff Tarkin-style due to hubris.

As a kid, I assumed it was that you would be forced to fight a copy of yourself. Even if you told me that the clone army was a bunch of Boba Fetts, I would have been so pumped as a kid to see that and to imagine all the possibilities. Instead, it turned out that they were just a bunch of stormtroopers that had the

"Hey, Honey. It's Mom. Remember me? I'm still on Tatooine busy being a slave. So I hear you're working on Coruscant now in some big important job? And you're dating some super rich queen now? I was wondering if maybe at some point when you're not too busy, you could, you know……PURCHASE ME FROM THIS ASSHOLE