
"I don't understand how anything in this world works."

I was just thinking how cool sounding those old movie titles are. Older movies always seem like they emphasised "art" over everything else, even if that wasn't the reality.

At least we know for certain that Cleveland is the greatest city in the world and that it's great to be here with you wonderful people.

The fire code is updated every three years like clockwork, which is hardly "always changing", and you can always negotiate with the inspector for longer compliance timeframes if needed. It's highly unlikely to be forced to perform massive costly repairs unless you have an old building that hasn't seen use in a while,

Or I, Frankenstein Too.

I pride myself on being able to figure out the punchline to any Laffy Taffy joke.

Is it covered in gravy and cheese?

Those poor illegal whalers and clownfish, respectively.

I took it more as a refutation of the opinion that Trump is someone that relates to the blue-collar working class and will fight for them. I feel like MacFarlane's just making the argument to Trump voters that Trump is much closer to "evil Hollywood elite" than "Average Joe" on that scale. I feel like he was

That, too me, is the biggest failing of the Obama administration. He seemed to be constantly trying to appease conservatives who had no intention of meeting him halfway.

If only we could harness Trump's powers for the forces of good!

They think I'm slow but I'm Captain Canada, eh.

I take comfort in the fact that previously Trump would have been a punchline for 10 or so years after his death until everyone eventually forgot about him. Now, he's going to be a colossal joke for centuries. I hope at some point at the end of his presidency he has the realization that his legacy will be one of

I'll wait for Netflix to get it.

Man, I forgot all about that. You've activated some part of my brain that's been dormant for 30 years. I'm having Gremlins cereal flashbacks.

That ancient chinese shopkeeper warned us about your dong…..but we wouldn't listen!

You're in luck! Trump just announced he is going to stop all science from entering the country too.

Well, he clearly doesn't have a shot at winning so we don't have to take him seriously. Why spend all the time and effort to dig into all the troubling issues involved with a Trump presidency when we can just start tonights broadcast with our signature series "Trump Tweets the Darndest Things" and then give equal

You'd think that, but wherever you find Ted Cruz, you'll find his father close by in a sniper's perch.

In fairness to the rich, they do make the guilty watch at least half of the movie Mannequin in that theater.