
He should at the very least been given 6 months in the county jail.

She publicizes this relationship and yet she refuses to even acknowledge the torrid affair we had when I was 10……in my mind.

Yeah, but what would the author be a fan of? Slavery and misogyny?

He can do that because he has a black imaginary daughter. I assume.

With a little know-how and some elbow grease you can make any home cocaine and jizz-strewn. I have personally Boogie Nighted at least 10 homes in the last three weeks. The more you know.

Harry Hardee? The guy who made all those rats and grade "F" meat somehow disappear?

Easter blows. And good luck convincing your kids the Easter bunny is real.

I don't get her motivation either. Does she feel she's been short changed votes? Is she trying to prove Hillary won? Is the DNC asking her to raise a ruckus to they don't look like sore losers? The whole thing seems odd.

There is so much about Trump that seems bullet proof. I'm old enough that I remember a time when Russia = evil (especially to conservatives). Seeing Trump praise Putin and then having people say "We need someone like Putin! At least he's strong against ISIS" was surreal to me.

I'm pretty sure you can transition into a Dirty Sanchez from a Paul Blart.

Mahgah….zine? Is that like a gaming Reddit you download for offline reading?

That's funny. I remember being insulted every time they tried to pass off inferior slime as the real deal too. And don't even get me started on "pies" that are just whipped cream in a pie plate.

You damned health nuts. Stop judging me for letting my children drink chocolate milk.

I don't have strong feelings one way or the other for Corden, but I LOVE the fact that he has all his guests out at once. One of my favorite aspects of late night talk used to be watching different guests interact with each other, sometimes in very surprising ways. As my wife will attest, I was forever bitching

The new perfume from Donald J. Trump. Available at Macy's.

That video was amazing. I've never been so oddly relaxed while simultaneously experiencing the urge to slap someone on the side of their big head.

The "worst" Kardashian? Isn't that like ranking your favorite types of cancer?

If he keeps ending shows abruptly, he may want to invest in some type of emergency inflatable evacuation slide so he can leave in a hurry.

Well….you do feel sick don't you?

You make a valid point. Although you may have kept me off the path of gun ownership, I still plan on incorporating all the ammo I salvage off of roving bands of raiders into hand-made booby traps. I can't entrust the safety of my family against irradiated cannibals to baseball bats alone.