
Huh. Happy Meals are starting to come with weird toys now.

Holy shit, I forgot about those things! Us 80's kids would play with some whacky toys as long as you could make them fight.

Django Unchained(which I did enjoy) is a good example in that he just reuses the theme song from the original movie. I feel like if someone made a sci-fi epic and reused the Star Wars theme, even if nothing else was similar, they would receive considerable flack. I do enjoy Tarantino, I just think he gets

This has always been my problem with Tarantino. He blatantly rips from other movies, but he's sneaky enough to rip from movies most people haven't seen. I've never held it against Wright because it's mostly tongue in cheek.

Be comforted by the fact that they all get to live on as blue ghosts. He's partying with the Ewoks now…

Hey! We heard that!

Don't those conventions already smell like ass?

That's why I avoid all middle school aged children. The most evil of all children.

Way to spoil the ending….

I hit rank 54 and decided I didn't want to press my luck any further. When you solo Overwatch, too much depends on luck of the draw. I hope for future seasons they account for individual performance more or at least have it offset the damage done by a horrible team to your ranking.

*something something* swim trunks.

I remember sinking dozens of hours just on the Playstation demo of that game. The full game was as addictive as anything I've ever played.

Was that when he was employed by his ex-wife as a nanny so he could spend more time with his kids?

Hmmm. It's always been my experience that once Phil Collins is introduced, the masturbation party fizzles out.

Everyone knows that Snickers is the second gayest candy bar after Twix.

Would you get over it already? I told you my kids were busy playing with their new iPads. It's not our fault your kids can't swim.

We've heard just about enough from you, Frenchie. Only the yugest, best, most 'murican clams will do. U.S.A.! U.S.A.!

Is…..is this the Jesus lion movie? Come on kids, I think we're in the wrong theater.

All of my grandfather's WWII stories involved peeling insane amounts of potatoes. I could never figure out if that was the extent of his experience, or if that's all he was willing to talk about.

A block was literally busted in that movie.