
Melania Trump is SabreDJ……..CONFIRMED

I totally understood what you were going for and was merely doubling down on all the agreement. Perhaps I should avoid using "that's absolutely my point" when the point was shared.

Sign me up. I'll have whatever kind of sex you want as long as I can get some of that sweet sweet internet.

He's trying to bait Trump into tweeting something stupid. They say if you say Hillary's name three times in a comment board he appears….

No. When you commit suicide you hear that voice……FOR ETERNITY!!! Mwhahahahaha!

So you're saying we should vote for history's most incompetent presidential nominee because he won't be able to accomplish anything? Hmmmm….do you take your car to only the most inept mechanics since they're all crooks anyway?

The circle is complete!

After my first kid was old enough, I embarked on a quest to buy her some Lego. All I wanted was a big bin full of random Lego pieces which turned out to be way harder than it should have been. Everything was either a themed set, or individual pieces at the Lego store. Now they have "Lego Classic" bins with random

Upvoting yourself? ….that's a paddlin'.

That's absolutely my point. As a pro athlete you must at some point become aware you've reached a peak that you will never attain again no matter how hard you work, and your life isn't even half over. Compare that to someone who once they are in their 50's gets in the best shape of their life and starts competing in

It was supposed to say "Hepcat 4 Life"! *sobs uncontrollably*

On behalf of ugly men everywhere, I'd just like to say that you hurt our feelings.

Are those two dogs doing what I think they're doing? And why is the biker eagle watching?

Hey, that's the guy that did my Garfield tat!

I didn't think they could show that in a PG-13 movie.

I also love hearing stories about people who peak early, like various inventors and athletes. I'm sure most transition to later life fine, but I always love debating the topic of "having only modest success over your lifetime" vs. "hitting the big-time early and never being able to return to that level".

The second one's good, but it's just not as good as number one.

Quick! …..to the library!

There also exists the possibility that a first time director was trying to elevate a basic horror movie by injecting some heavier themes, and due to the fact he doesn't yet have the clout to overcome the pull of the Hollywood machine, ended up with a half-ass message. I'm not willing to crucify this guy over his

Nice try Dan. No one wants your Adventures of Patchface and Hotpie fanfic.