
The problem with Grant in S1 is kinda the same problem with Lincoln in S1: we don't really know anything about them. Grant became interesting once we learned he was HYDRA. I'm sure that the writers eventually plan to tell us…who exactly is Lincoln? I think we got some hints earlier that there is more to him.

He'll be involved in that he'll go to the trailers of the important people, smoke weed with them, give them his thoughts, then when he realizes that nobody cares what he thinks anymore, he'll go on twitter and trash the film.

I mean I kinda liked that football movie. It wasn't that good but it was better than a lot of other Christian movies. It doesn't help that Christians put a really low bar on these films. As a Christian, I'm not a big fan of Christian movies. I do hope one day someone figures out how to make good ones.

I really hope this gets picked up to series. It sounds like it could be…amazing.

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The critic must have had eye surgery right before seeing the movie because the action was very clear and easy to follow.

Umm….yes please. I want this to happen now really badly. Have all the moneys to make this, please?

I remember the differences and I would have noticed! White House Down was a lot better than Olympus Has Fallen and is the one that deserved the sequel…if a sequel HAD to be made to one of those two.

That makes sense. The British want to relive the days when they were an empire while Americans like to live the days where they are the sole superpower even if we might be waning.

FOX has one or two if you include Lucifer! NBC I guess technically had Heroes Reborn. Having said that, there are certainly more procedural than superhero content. As for movies, we are getting way more movies this year…like 8 total big superhero movies. Out of the over one hundred wide-release movies we're getting

PBS' Downton Abbey is the closest.

Mad Men wouldn't have lasted two episodes on any network if it got the ratings it did when it first came out. Mad Men was a big deal in the "TV is art" community and because they talked about it a lot, it seemed like a bigger deal than it was. Downton Abbey did get big numbers for PBS. But that's not saying much.

Hey if Coulson and the team are "dead" in the movies according to Whedon, Captain America can be "dead" in the TV shows. Like she could say something like "I don't want to confuse him." We'd all say that's BS and then move on.

I don't know about the female-led bit. Any Shonda Rhimes hit show, Revenge, Blindspot….all have female leads, are action-oriented, and have or did well.

Eh, what bothers me more is the "I know millions of people enjoy this but can the world just stop making these products because I don't." cause apparently the very existence of these products makes him less happy. Oh well.

Why just Sousa? Why not Agent Peggy Carter herself and Jarvis ofc? Now I know we saw her as an old lady in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and we saw her in Ant-Man but the good news about time travel? After a few seasons on Agents of SHIELD, she could return with Sousa at the exact moment that they have time

I can. The show was great yes but it's not like it got great ratings and lost them over time like Agents of SHIELD: it started with low ratings (and like everything on TV, those also go down regardless of quality). I think that suggests that people aren't interested in drama period pieces and we've seen that over and

What's worse is Castle without Beckett or Castle. Something that ABC has been in the press as considering doing if neither renew their contracts.

I never said Stana Katic isn't fine? Just that she wouldn't be enough to get me to keep watching Castle without Fillion. Now if ABC decides to create a brand new show (with a new character to be clear) around Stana Katic, I'd give that a shot.

As a fan of Castle whose also behind and will likely catch up during the summer, I don't disagree. As a person who understands people's jobs are on the line, I disagree. But yeah, a show needs to end sometimes and making this the final season would be perfect.