
Not surprised the safe bets-and each show that got renewed is a safe bet including Agents of SHIELD (shows in 3rd seasons rarely ever get canceled because the 4th season gets the network/studio syndication money)-are all on this list. Castle is currently undergoing casting negotiations with it's two leads so that's

A business kind of war. All accounts have Paul Lee resigning under pressure because Ben Sherwood disagreed with him about the direction that ABC was going on and he was able to use the declining ratings of ABC to his advantage. That was Sherwood outmaneuvering a rival executive…which is a business kind of war. It

I'm aware of the leadership change-in fact I referenced it in my first comment-and I disagree that Feige doesn't have any pull. He might be "independent" but he's not in a vacuum. He can still play network politics.

He's an executive producer on Agent Carter, though, unlike the other shows. He was technically the head of Marvel Studios before the split, he just got more independence in his role as the head of Marvel Studios.

If Agent Carter gets renewed, and it seems to think it will with that ending, then it's because Kevin Feige walks into the new ABC heads office and is like "look, I'm the head of Marvel. I'm making Disney billions of dollars with my movies and the TV shows that are in the same universe as them. If you don't renew

Really? My first answer was "gum".

"Considering he’s on the receiving end of the most famous line in the
movie, it must be a pretty tough one to fill. He’s got to have a
commanding presence that says “I’m gonna beat the shit out of you for
dirty dancing with my daughter” but also a warmth that says “I’ll
tolerate your dirty dancing if my daughter is

Which is silly. Even HBO syndicates it's programming.

They don't even have the streaming rights to Full House! Having said that, there's no real way to measure the profit any show Netflix makes is going to bring to them.

As a millennial, I grew up watching Full House on Nick at Night or TV Land or whatever channel had the reruns. I also love Vampire Diaries. Girls can suck it though.

That's a flawed experiment. "I'm going to prove that Full House is just as bad as TV today by picking current shows most people consider to be bad today." Okay, maybe people don't consider Modern Family to be bad….but it's sure past it's prime. Unless you stick with S1 and some S2 episodes, which are comedy gold.

The first couple episodes of Fuller House were atrocious but by the end, I was enjoying myself. Not good TV, obviously, but comfort sit-com TV. Sometimes the meta humor worked, sometimes it didn't, though.

That's the progress we've made since the seventies!

Oh, but Donald Trump is already a different sit-com character written magnificently by Norman Lear. Donald Trump is Archie Bunker.

This episode just destroyed me. Even reading the review, I started crying again. Damn it, Black-Ish.

"In the comics, Rand spent most his youth learning martial arts in the
mystical city of K’un-L’un, and he got his powers by defeating a magic
dragon and then sticking his hands into the dragon’s heart. That’s all
pretty crazy, so the Netflix show will probably either come up with
something more streamlined or just

How is that relevant? Maybe right before Constatine went to hell, he left Oliver a voice-mail telling him where he was going. I mean Barry Allen keeps the team apprised of what's going on in Central City. Why wouldn't Constantine leave messages to Oliver?

Yes, the drug rewrote his personality specifically for the plot. So what? It's better than him simply changing personalities for no reason for the plot: at least the show justified it. Also holding things against the show for things that to advance the plot is kinda dumb. In the end, things have to happen that do have

By who? People who think having a disability somehow makes a person less? People in wheelchairs can't make grand feminist statements?

On the Felicity thing, I thought that having Samantha tell Felicity that it really was her ultimatum and she shouldn't blame Oliver would mean Felicity would move past it. I still don't know why Oliver kept it a secret from Felicity (how would Samantha know if Oliver had told his fiance?).