
The first half of S1 suffered from too high expectations. People expected it to be this amazing out of the gate but instead got a show that was for all intents and purposes mediocre. It wasn't terrible-Iron Fist was utterly atrocious-but it wasn't good either and had promise. Which is why I stuck with it. Now it's one

Alas Mace had to die in order to prove that the stakes in the Framework are very much real for the characters in the real world. But I wouldn't say the mission was necessarily pointless. Fitz is working on a way to kill all Inhumans. Daisy is an Inhuman. She also knows the backdoor. I have a feeling those two plots

That's what the show gets for having two characters named "M" and me presumably having some form of brain fart.

1) Jessica Jones
2) AoS
3) Luke Cage
4) Arrow
5) LoT
6) Supergirl
7) Daredevil
8) Flash
9) Powerless
10) Iron Fist

So why only a B? I'm reading only good things? Oh well, it's just a silly grade.

I would love to see the fandom revolt that would cause if that was the case.

'Cause Archie is very oblivious.

I can understand why Polly went to the Blossoms. Yes, her mom did kick out her dad when she learned about the "appointment". Her dad trying to take away that choice from Polly (and having had taken that choice away from Alice) is pretty bad. But Alice was also taking away Polly's choice by insisting on adoption.

I rather like Mon-El. Am I in the minority?

I assumed that while the apartment is under her name, they don't own the building so they still have to pay rent. In other words: they RENTED it under Hermione's name but they didn't buy it. Hence they have to pay rent.

You win the internet. Congrats. Your prize is virtual awesomeness.

She hasn't been announced to be in the upcoming fourth season and it has yet to be renewed for a fifth season so who knows if those plans will ever come to fruition. The door is left open. I could easily see them writing in Caroline by having Klaus' daughter attend the school Caroline runs I guess?

Both are series finales about the characters, the alternative timeline on Lost was about them finding peace together after they die? It reminded me a lot of Lost.

The Originals is having a five-year time-jump this season I believe.

- "In a choice between having a story I never cared about make
sense or giving the characters I’ve loved for years a poignant,
emotional send-off, poignancy will win every time." What a low bar we
accept as reviewers and viewers! Why not both?"

I'd be good with Caroline going to the Originals as long as she has agency again. She was my favorite character when Klaus was on the show and I've always liked their chemistry. Not sure if they will do a school spin-off or not (beginning of a new story line and all) but I'd probably check it out if there's a time

It should have been a two-hour finale in my opinion. Give them more time to wrap up the season arc before going into closure mode.

I remember when I first started watching this show in high school and at first I thought it was an okay show-I liked parts of it and was skeptical of it. I was hooked though when Vicki died and from that moment on for the next few years, the Vampire Diaries became appointment television for me. The first season became

It's obviously a remake of Alien vs. Predator only worse. Duh.

Jared Leto accomplished what I thought was impossible: having the Joker make a bad movie even worse.