
Constantine was an NBC show that lasted one season. It got canceled, they decided to make the show a part of the Arrowverse, and he appeared in an episode earlier this season.

It sorta felt like a scene straight out of the fake TV show the Grinder within the real TV show the Grinder.

Hmmm I don't know if he's better than Slade. He probably does stand better on his own than Slade in terms of bad-ass and personality BUT Slade's personal vendetta not only drove things home but it's why season 2 of Arrow will likely always be the best season of Arrow-where the flashback stories and the modern day

He's also resorted to responding to breaking and entering. I think the city has like maybe at most 100 police officers now.

Sure the skills he taught her how to fight have saved her life. On the other hand, she wouldn't be throwing herself into life-threatening situations where she needs to use said skills if she hadn't been trained to fight. He wouldn't have forced her to kill Sara if she had never accepted his offer to train her. And she

They haven't told us Darkh's plan but we can guess it's probably no good.

"Everything else was pretty good. I noted that Oliver said he was
"suspending" his campaign when he dropped out, so my presumption is that
will be starting up again."

If Sara was in that room….

I think Diggle was actually right. Like, you are the Green Arrow. That would put a target on WIlliam's life if everyone knew you were the Green Arrow. But Damien Darkh only targeted WIlliam for reasons that really didn't have anything to do with the Green Arrow (or as far as he knew). But since Oliver's identity is

What? She could have wheeled out of the apartment like a bad-ass. Nah, they only made her walk because she wanted so desperately to walk down the wedding aisle and couldn't but now that she's breaking up with Oliver, she can finally walk. It's kind of a little tragedy the writers put in.

They also had the guy who was able to slow time down or was super slow or whatever. But then he died under their care because they don't have someone monitoring them 24/7. I think they send the ones whose powers they can neutralize to Iron Heights and the rest they just keep?

The Superjail issue only existed for the human, not the aliens they are still free to imprison for eternity at will. The Flash has yet to hold a non-meta-human in his prison, I believe, so he's in the clear I guess.

Yeah, I don't understand how he was able to kidnap Supergirl. In that final battle, she was able to withstand everything he threw at her. I guess it's the weird attempt by the show to make Alex Danvers capable of standing on her own while still giving Supergirl a villain who can take her….it doesn't really work.

My takeaway from the Wire line is "damn you must have been depressed by the end." I love the Wire but it is not a show you binge watch.

It does feel overly forced and kind of petty but I guess one Danvers sister has to hate Henshaw's guts. Only while Alex was a total pro about it, Kara really wasn't.

I was literally expecting Jimmy Olson after she finished her story to put it together and be like "you are talking about XXX and XXX!" and Cat would be like "no doy" (obviously she would never say that, I'm just paraphrasing) and then they'd talk about the ethics of journalism or whatever. But nope.

Oh, it's less than 3 hours? How disappointed. Sure, the story is going to be dumb but it's going be a very pretty to watch movie.

I found most of the first season of the Good Wife to be kinda boring and I thought it good towards the end. It also got some of the same criticism that Madam Secretary gets when it first started out: a lot of "you go Alicia!" moments. So when I started watching Madam Secretary, I agreed it was kinda boring but lo and

Madame Secretary is a brilliant show AV Club and while it's not as good as the Good Wife, it's the best replacement CBS could probably have for it.

Well the Grinder is half-hour while iZombie is an hour. So if he can find only half-an-hour to watch TV then yes he would find time for the Grinder but not iZombie.