
It SHOULD be canceled (sadly) BUT shows that should have been canceled last season (like Galavant and Agent Carter) were renewed so who knows?

Yeah, the Janet Jackson story was a flop. It didn't have any good jokes. The Valentine's Day stories worked a lot better but it felt like the show was coasting.

"weasled out of their last 2 PT tests" you don't know how well she did. She also handled herself pretty well on the field.

But then the Grinder would also be in the same continuity of Sleepy Hollow.

Although she does point out that Rose did get the same training and is on the front line of the defense of the office. It's not like she was arguing that Violet, who isn't qualified, to go on the mission but a fully trained agent who has simply been stuck behind a desk.

The Diary of a Young Girl with Zombies. Oh wait, they might want to stay away from that one.

In Trump's economy, $60K will seem like $120K.

The Choice? Nicholas Sparks?

That seems like a slight overreaction to a comment made on the internet. But sure, place your faith in the man who did Green Lantern and played Deadpool in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Place your faith in Ryan Reynolds.

Nuclear Flame sounds like a badass Pokemon move. Actually, it sounds like a badass move in any turn-based RPG game.

I think it's kinda weird that there are basically two/three superheroes with the flame power. In Pokemon, a water Pokemon would be super effective against a big part of the team.

Not just the why we should fear him but like he's apparently a cult leader but so far nothing we've seen would imply a man anyone would allow, immortality or otherwise.

Oh, right. Deadpool is that crappy movie coming out that is looking to waste T.J. Miller's talent.

Vandal's too two-dimensional right now so spending an episode on him would be really wise.

Am I thinking of the right guy? The guy who killed Diggle's brother? He was a hitman who was able to avoid detection for years.

So wait what's the part I can't believe will happen…

While I appreciate that, I'm not sure we should go around posting contact info for anyone in a rather public place (hidden in a comments section on a news article might not be TMZ but still). I followed Eddie Lee Ivery's suggestion of tweeting at him (long shot) and hey maybe he'll see it.

I met Norman Lear at a book signing. He was nice. Also said I should reach out to him if this got picked up (he knows I want to be a TV writer and I'm Mexican, ergo Hispanic) but then…also didn't give me a way to do that so I can only imagine he was being polite. Still I'll check this out!

Reaper deserved to get canceled. I loved the first season, thought it was a lot of fun. The second season was absolutely atrocious.

"Connor Pablo leaving GG for Revenge highlighted how out of touch the Gossip Girl view of wealth had become.)"