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    Bratva and Helix are the antagonists, but Anatoly and Oliver mend their relationship to take down hackers (that may or may not be Russian)? At least it's timely.

    Honestly, I'll take *anything* that builds Evelyn as a character at this point. She was pretty much a cypher, there to be Adrian's sidekick sometimes, but otherwise she was just an outline of a character.

    I think you might like Legion, if you haven't seen it. It brings the arthouse to the superhero show, and is visually stunning.

    I think this is a threshold we have to accept about superhero shows. There comes a point when going BIGGER! and BETTER! gets exhausting and unrealistic. I think grounding this show to street-level crime again was the best thing they could have possibly done, but because we've been here for five seasons anything more

    I remember something about it being a character we've seen before?

    I have a friend who firmly believes having Moira as an "adult" helps ground the melodrama aspects by being a grown-up, for good or evil, like Joe and Harrison are for The Flash and Cat Grant was for Supergirl. Oh, Calista. What do I have to give you for you to move to Vancouver?

    The OG one is on Legends.

    I kinda liked the jeans-and-leather-jacket ensemble Juliana's been wearing, but I'm pretty sure they'll make the "reveal" of her costume a big, heavily promoted deal during season 6.

    I love Emily, but Willa has had the most satisfying growth arc over the five seasons. She has grown as an actress, and if she's only in a limited number of episodes next year I hope someone was clued in on the treasure she is and hires her for something else during her down time.

    Well, Dinah could head a Birds of Prey spin-off, and by that time Jessica de Gouw may be free to reprise Huntress.

    It doesn't take much to keep us happy. We have fanfic to fill in what we don't see, so Olicity-as-background relationship works for everyone.

    Don't get me started on the season 3 overarching plot. I still don't think I fully understand it. And for me, killing off Sara was a huge DO NOT WANT. Knowing that they brought her back and gave Sara her own show I'm now okay with it, but I recall after the season 3 premiere I was more outraged over Sara's death than

    Here's hoping they don't f-ck everything up again by having a "GASP! will Ollie cheat on Felicity with Black Siren???" storyline. For the love of god, don't do it. The writers proved they can do a good job if they put in the effort to tell a multi-layered ensemble story and keep the soap opera to Riverdale.

    If there are only nits to pick, I'd say that's a job well done.

    There aren't enough refrigerators.

    I really don't have time to unpack this, but Felicity is a beloved character outside the circles you frequent. Uproxx just did a great piece on her, and she was named #15 on Hollywood Reporter's 50 Best Female Characters list. Blaming Felicity for everything wrong with seasons 3 and 4 is reductive and ignorant, and

    If only.

    I'm actually glad there's no payoff—it means we can forget she was ever a thing.

    We have so much pinched from Batman, why not throw in Harvey Dent as a teenaged girl? Note: I always thought they should put Laurel on a bus to Gotham to be Harvey Dent's ADA, instead of her undignified death.

    *puts on humanities nerd glasses* the flashbacks are a post-structural narrative device used in non-chronological storytelling to both provide backstory without unnecessary exposition and to comment thematically on the present storyline, providing a richer understanding of the action, but further, a better