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    Oh, you have no idea. Joss has been the subject of media studies and gender studies and whatever studies dissertations for decades. It's a *thing,* with its own academic conference.

    It's funny. In academic Whedon studies (it's a thing) there are two schools, one of which is laudatory (those supporting Slayage, The Online Journal of Whedon Studies), the other of which is critical. Kai's post has a lot of people reexamining Whedon's work, and I gotta say critical academics have been saying this for

    Godzillarex doesn't help your argument. I'd think an 80-year-old bastion of the entertainment world is a little more reputable as an objective opinion than a fan mouthing off in a YouTube video.

    I don't know about you, but I think an 80-year-old bastion of the entertainment world is a little more reputable as an objective opinion than a fan mouthing off in a YouTube video.

    Echoes season 1 a bit?

    I may have reached my Superhero Saturation point, and my expectations are
    simply lowered or at least unable to move past what the show is (which is why Legion felt so fresh).

    Iron Fist doesn't even compare to Arrow's comeback season. Maybe if it was just the Colleen Wing show?

    Not to mention the Green Arrow is now Public Enemy #1 after Oliver had to throw him under the bus for Billy's murder (y'all remember Billy, right?)

    He even mentioned "see you on the boat" last episode. Total troll.

    Caity was actually never a regular, she was always a guest role. And I think they knew going into it killing Sara was a bad idea, but they were still stuck on their original planned trajectory, where the Canary gave way to the Black Canary. Thank god Ray was getting his own show that Sara could be brought back and

    Not to mention that Training Day's dead in the water, freeing Katrina's schedule up.

    Or what if the island time travels before finally getting settled in the 70's?

    It really lagged in the first half of the season for me. Even the 100th episode felt trite, and there was too much time spent on the disposable love interests Oliver and Felicity had. In the back half the show was on fire; from episode 17 on they rolled it out like they knew what they were doing. Curtis and Rene

    YES!! Someone finally agrees with my "Laurel is bipolar" theory! It felt like such a good explanation for the histrionic reactions she always had. I will mourn what Laurel could've been, but I don't miss what she was.

    Oliver's flashback wigs needed a friend. It's the only way I can explain Barry's emo flashforward wig.

    They could have ended with Oliver and William on the boat, and saved the explosion for the cold open in the season premiere? Because they established the kill-switch everyone would still be in peril, we just wouldn't see the explosion. I'm just playing devil's advocate here, thoughts?

    I think it was actually smart to save Dinah's story until season 6. There was too much going on anyway, and now they can take their time deepening the character. And I'm not really certain about the motivations for bringing Earth-2 Laurel back on a permanent basis. I'm really cool with Dinah because she reminds me of

    I hope we don't go into an "OLLIE BETRAYED US!!" thing. The majority of the people on the island would willingly die to save a kid, because they're heroes. It's what they do. Dear god I hope we're over the rehashed "Oliver vs. The Team" storylines.

    I think she just threw her tablet at one, but it turned out Malcolm made the kill shot from behind her?

    I think Legends actually benefits from having shorter seasons—the bloat you get in February and March, when you have the almost unwatchable span of filler episodes before things get rolling to the finale, would do very well with being cut. Less available screen time would keep the writers from giving us pointless C-