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    UGH. There's only one James Marsters, and I don't think you can outdo Spike for a redemption arc.

    I think the baby mama drama was a plot point held over from when Laurel was the love interest, because fathering a kid while you and your reunited sweetheart were last together is a great way to throw a wrench in a romance.

    I thought he tried! It felt like they shoved him in a seat next to the Pirates kid, told them to talk, and they proceeded to have two completely different conversations about their completely different shows/movies.

    Don't get me started.

    I think it was part of the season 4 flashbacks I never watched?

    Then again we had a nuclear strike that was stopped by an IT girl, a criminal, and two guys in Halloween masks… and not everyone survived… but the world still spins merrily on. You can't use real-world logic on Arrow.

    Episodes 1-7 of season 4 were golden. Everyone was happy, even if some time had to be spent building up Legends. The crossover comes along and the baby mama drama comes, and pisses everyone off.

    Let's not forget Evelyn's fake-out during Oliver's captivity episode. That was just cruel.

    Only Tommy Merlyn stays dead.

    This could be an effective use of their ensemble, but I don't have any faith that they'd be consistent about it. Paul and Willa will definitely get breaks, but David will be around… unless there's a rumor I haven't heard?

    They're trying to out-paradox The Flash.

    RIP, Flashback Wig Collection. We knew thee far too well. Now go clog a drain somewhere else.

    Best episode since 3x09 "The Climb," easily. I'd think of it more as a companion piece to the season 2 finale, since there were so many callbacks.

    Reminding Oliver of their marriage is Nyssa's favorite way of trolling Oliver.

    It's kinda bloated… from what Marc's put on Tumblr, Stephen, David, Emily, Willa, Paul and Echo are all going to be regulars (though "regulars" isn't as well-defined, considering Katie was a "regular through all four shows" and Willa was a "regular" who was conspicuously missing for a while). Katie is coming back, and

    Passive-aggressive was never so entertaining.

    Hold my beer.

    @wicked511:disqus predicted Dinah's dead partner/partner is Vigilante. Because no one stays dead on this show. Pretty sure we'll see Barrowman again.

    There were plenty episodes in the middle of this season (plus an entire storyline) I wish we could have ditched in favor of spending more time on the island. Can I trade all of Susan Williams for another hour of island action scenes and strong character moments? And what can I get for trading in the PSA gun control

    I liked it for the possibilities it opened up. Yeah, we know [mostly] everyone's alive, but the question is *how* we're going to get everyone back to Star City. It also gives Oliver and William the opportunity to actually bond beyond the superficial level they've done so far. AND OLICITY WILL REPEAT THE PENNY/DESMOND