John Wilson

You can deprive a Kenny Loggins of his power by shaving off his beard.

This joke went Plop Gun.

Eyes Wide Top Guns

You forgot the best one! Michelle Yeoh.

And when Alexander saw the breadth of his Farmville, he wept, for there were no more friends to poke.

It will be the most financially rewarding you will have!df567c

This "Great Job Internet" article is a faaaaaaaaaaake!

No, baby, it's money!

There's Roger Delgado, who played the original Master in Doctor Who.

Also check out Noises Off. Great underrated flick which also has Michael Caine, Carol Burnett, Christopher Reeve, Denholm Elliott, etc.

They're good dogs, Rocky.

How do you forget the "small detail" that you were punched in the face in a dive bar in the middle of a riot? That's something I'd be repeating over and over while strangers bought me drinks.

I'm suddenly very weary.

Oh, c'mon! We all poop like that, right?
[looks around nervously]


I'm not a fan of either of these people and yet the 13 year-old came off better than the man child.

i am sad now

No offense but your face…looks…like a collie-flower.

Racist piece of shit Mel Gibson. But I still love Payback - specifically, the Helgeland cut. Mostly because I'm a huge Richard Stark/Parker fan.

[gif of Stephen Colbert wearing 3D glasses and eating popcorn]