John Wilson

Thanks for the sour parsimmons, cousin!

George Lucas (writing all of Cameron's insults down): "These are GREAT, Jimmy!"

*Harlan Ellison calls his lawyer*

"Where'd you go, Psycho Boy?"
"I felt like destroying something very unsexy."

This movie has Jared Leto so it will be neither.

Sure sure.

Saturday, Dikachu, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don't work, I don't drive a car, I don't fucking ride in a car, I don't handle money, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as shit don't use commas correctly!

Commas, dude.

[gives Johnny Feathers the thumbs up while pretending to be trapped in an invisible box]

Three years after graduating with a BFA in Theatre Arts, and I was putting it to use by performing as a mime in a children's touring theatre company based in Michigan. Getting up at 4 or 5 a.m. to drive to a snow-blasted town in an obscure armpit of Michigan, so I can put on whiteface and pretend to walk against the

Hulk laughs exactly like Dom DeLuise.

Because Gene Roddenberry.

Fifty four years. Fifty your years and we only know that the Doctor's last name is Who. BUT WHAT IS HIS FIRST NAME, MOFFAT?

*sighs heavily*

Whatever his name, their appears to be miles of him.

And a GOOD friend.

They just didn't care.

So what do Starfleet personnel shout whenever they're having sex?

I'll only be happy when you cry with her, Ray.

Here's A Slow Clap For You, Internet