Jake Daniel

Sadie's husband drives Christine. They must have both liked the Forward Look because Sadie drives what looks to me like a late 50's Dodge Royal Lancer coupe around Jodie. I didn't look that close though. In the book Sadie's husband drives Christine plus Jake sees Christine parked at the Worumbo Mill right after he

It definitely wasn't a '58 Fury. Looked like a mid 50's DeSoto 4dr sedan solid red to me. I'd have to rewatch to make sure.

I wanted to add a little more to this once I thought about it. Sometimes driving a cab you're taking folks to do things that they really ought not be doing. A lot of these folks will be straight up about it with you about it, some of them will lie. I always hated the ones who lied. In the middle of the night I'd

I could definitely tell you where a veterinarian is, can't say whether he would stitch up a gunshot wound though. But if the guy got in the cab bleeding all over the place and shoved a bunch of 20's at me I'm sure we could figure something out.

It really just depends on how you're acting when you get in the car. A good cab driver can get a sense of a person as soon as they get in. Where they're going, what they want. Are they going to be trouble? If I was driving the cab and you jumped in and asked a question like that and you seemed cool I'd probably

One more thing since you brought up Travis Bickle, there are a lot of things in that movie that are painfully accurate. You see a lot of bad stuff going on at night. That part where he has to clean out the back of the cab when he turns it in in the morning is 100% realistic. Like I said in another post, I was able

You see a lot of fucked up shit driving a cab at night so that part of Taxo Driver is pretty accurate. Ever see Repo Man? It's a lot like that too except no aliens. There's one line in it where Bud tells Otto, "Normal people spend their lives avoiding tense situations, Repo Men spend their lives getting INTO tense

I knew it.

No it isn't. I wouldn't want to eat one. Getting stabbed down the throat with a Slim Jim would be a gruesome way to go.

What is this? Barton Fink?

It's a thin strip of metal a couple of inches wide and maybe 1/8ths inch thick with a hook cut into the end of it. It's used to pop locks on older cars that have mechanical locks where the lock button pops out of the top of the interior door panels. They eventually started putting plastic shields over the lock

I never got asked about that, but I'd get asked about where the best strip club is, which massage parlors give happy endings, what corner do I need to get dropped off at if I want something. Now I never participated in stuff, I just drove the cab. These guys never realized that titty bars and massage

I could tell them some stories, hahaha!

Remember, a good cab driver knows where all the best stuff is!

If you want the best BBQ in town there's a little place called 4 corners you should check out. It'll be a bit if a drive for you, it sits on the corner of the Lynchburg ferry road, FM 2100, spur 330, and I-10. It's just a little shack, used to be a gas station but he's got his own smokehouse built on the property

It's a good story but it's something I haven't even thought about in years. I had totally forgotten abou it until someone mentioned the slim Jim on here and asked why anyone would carry one. That brought it right back to me. I don't even have it anymore, the last day I drove I left it in the trunk of the car for

Did you find the best burger in Houston yet? Let me know if you did. Did you try Poppa burger on N. Main just outside downtown? They were really good too and they're open 24-7 but cream burger had better shakes and chili fries. Cab driving is pretty unhealthy, hahaha! Sorry to hear about your friend BTW.

Parts of it have been.

On an older car you can work it inbetween the window glass and weatherstripping on the outside of a car window. It's a flexible piece of metal with a little hook on the end. Once it's below the window glass frame you fish around till the end of it hooks on the rod for the lock that pops up when it's unlocked. It'll

Man, it's really cool to see people respond to my response about the slim Jim. f anyone is wondering where the hamburger stand is it's called Cream Burger on the corner of Elgin and Scott 3rd Ward Houston TX. Great place but you have to remember its cash only. The lady in there will read you the riot act if you try