
I always thought Gromit was a good stand-in for Buster Keaton in all of the Wallace and Gromit films. Gromit quietly goes about solving problems that he didn't create while maintaining a stoic demeanor. The train sequence in one of the shorts had to have been created with Keaton in mind.

It's refreshing to be reminded

We "admire the effort he (Teti) puts into it every time…"

Totally agree with wanting to see A) the Merkle game.

For B) add in the chance to see how far Josh Gibson could hit a ball.

For C) swap in the Bobby Thompson pennant-winning game in 1951.

And D) get to see Ty Cobb play just to learn if his play was as insane as his reputation.

Other fun facts about old-timey baseball:

Tris Speaker had 4 unassisted double plays as a centerfielder during his career because the deadball era allowed him to play so shallow.

Fielders used to leave their gloves on the field between innings, with infielders tossing them onto the outfield grass. It's even possible to

Teenagers throwing rocks at their windows. The 1920's version of internet commenting.

The animal with that poison thing that lives in a shell that spikes you is called a koala. We've evolved, we're armed, and we're not putting up with your nonsense any longer.

Now excuse me, it's time for my nap.

Yeah, those Hemsworth brothers are a tough bunch.

I've got a flight today out of Denver on Frontier, so thanks for that to look forward to. Although, now the sun is shining and the flight isn't for 10 more hours, so maybe Frontier won't mess it up.

Australian fauna, eh?
*begins assembling legal team for anti-defamation lawsuits*

Carell addressed the issue of the movie rooting for these guys on his Colbert interview the other day. He said the movie starts the viewer in that direction, but then makes the viewer become uncomfortable with that point of view, so that they're not seen as real heroes.

That idea's got a lot of potential.

The question is, to which part of Ron Jeremy's body will you superimpose W.'s face?

We all know the first application is going to be for porn.

I came across 2 other Boulder County residents in another thread earlier this week. There are dozens of us, dozens.

Also, cracked my first rib in a mt. biking accident in Lyons this summer. My doctor said that I'm getting too old for such nonsense.

Cheers from a current Boulderite. Good luck on the move.

Also no mention of his own lineman trying to help him up, Keenum dropping back to his knees and holding his helmet, and the lineman helps him up again.

Baseball home teams wear white because playing several days in a row and long road trips by train led to dingy gray uniforms when laundry facilities were not as available as today. No clue as to why basketball is the same.

That clip looks like one from a baseball game where a parent catches a foul ball, hands it to their kid, and the kid chucks it back onto the field.

For a historical tidbit that I'm too lazy to research for verification, the policy of one team in white jerseys and one team in color jerseys came about when games were first broadcast on black-and-white televisions and fans at home had trouble distinguishing shades of gray produced from two different colors of

Duly noted.