
You don't "settle" for Lynda Carter".
You "reach" for her, and hope you're worthy.

Mary Tyler Moore bumping and grinding and sweating her way through “Proud Mary.”

Am I the only one who looked at that photo and thought it was the start of a live action "Goldeneye" run-through?

Brazzers is Canadian?

So this takes place in an alternate timeline where ISO 8601 didn't make numbered dates less ambiguous.
Or did the movie came out in 2010?

My imagined conversation with Tommy Lascelles:
"I'm so pleased to meet you, Mr. Lascelles. You are so cool. You are just chill as fuck!"
There is a long awkward pause.
"Sanguine," he finally responds. "I am sanguine as fuck."

Dat's me Mam an' Dad, ya bastard.

I am psyched to see Chris O'Dowd in outer space.

This story is as pointless as most of the new "AV Club Eats" section, but I do love that stock photo.
Please stop boring me with food and tell me the story behind that stock photo.

Every once in a while I think about Newt and Ripley and I start to cry.
Then I get really mad about "Alien3".

When I was in high school in the '70s, I consciously made a decision that I was going to get "into" comics, and for some reason the title I chose was "Howard the Duck", and the moment i chose was Issue #31 in 1979, the last official colour issue.
Rather than giving up, I took heart that the were keeping it alive as a

When I re-watched, his interaction with Kelsey was one of the things I noted. Remember:
-She has every reason not want to speak to him; and
-She knows he's an idiot, so even if she did start to realize he wasn't getting the speak button, she would probably file that under "dumb Bojack".

"This item does not ship to Winnipeg, Canada…"
Write that on my tomb…

If "Chinese Box Office" isn't some kind of slang term, it should be.

Based solely on this picture, that's pretty much what she seems to be going for.

Why are they worried? The dudes who would be most bothered by this have sworn they'll never see the movie?


So, domes and spires and greebly bits?
Got it.

So there's NOT going to be a Chewbacca Mom Poe parody video?