
Drinking game:
Watch Jim Jarmusch/Bill Murray sleeper "Broken Flowers" and take a swig every time some utters the phrase "aging Don Juan".

And suddenly I have to see this crap.

"So it'll be a wingman avatar, kind of like Barney on HIMYM. Obviously we can't call it 'Barney', but I'll leave that up to you guys because it's almost 5 on a Friday…"

I love Anna Farris. Go back to the "Scary Movie" franchise. She anchors those things. And I don't care what anyone says, she's the best thing in "Lost in Translation".
But I think the Gods of Holly wood once heard me utter that I would watch anything that Anna Farris was in, and they took that as a challenge.

Or maybe this is just one more reason why the movie "industry" is dying and deserves to die.
The cineplex is dead. Long live Netflix.

Stop criticizing and go watch it, you anonymous hosers.

No. He's getting too old for this shit.

Just check for a dongle.


Am I the only one who's uncomfortable with the word "orphan" being used casually in popular entertainment?

"…the four principle actors in U.N.C.L.E."

There are too many nephews in that synopsis.

Cue the sad montage and piano coda from "Layla".

I'm holding out for a Minority Report/Alien Nation crossover.

The Rick and Mortification of our culture continues.

"It's becoming less of a slog to get through…"
Let's get that pullquote up on some billboards!

Since the Earth is only 7,900 miles in diameter, that would be… a mistake.
Maybe 6,000 meters.

If only the 3 children in a trenchcoat who reviewed season one had watched enough episodes to see Vincent.

Oh. I get it. The AV Club didn't do a shitty job reviewing Season 1 last year. It was just a shitty season leaning on "jokes about celebrities and the culture mill", but now it's all good.

You want a flop?
A film website that has Nathan Rabin on staff and lays him off.
That's a flop.