
I asked for that.

Fuck memes.

I dislike like 90% of memes. Memes are why historically society has never let 15 year old boys be important cultural creators or curators. You end up with frogs on fucking unicycles.

Yeah. This stood out for me. I read Civil War as being entirely about terrorism and the wars of the mid-00s.

That's what I thought the film did well. Tony has been struggling with PTSD *before* he invented a world destroying robot which he then had to destroy a small city to neutralize. Cap is also suffering from a form of PTSD having seen the only person from his own childhood been returned in addition to having personally

Shitting hell. I have complained about the WWE A LOT in my life, but - a few dodgy calls aside (hello, Montreal screwjob finish) - I can't remember the last time I was this excited about the WWE. They're doing everything I've wanted to see for ages: they're building a tag division, they're building a women's division,

Seriously? They're annoyed because they're slow building a feud and don't we still don't know exactly what that payoff will be or when? Isn't that about as good as contemporary television wrestling booking gets?!

If this was a two hour show it sounds like it might have been great. Please, please, please kill off the 3 hour Raw. I don't know what good it does for anyone, and I don't know a single person who sits and watches all of it.

Or she was. Now she is a professional right wing twitter wind up merchant.

Or, put another way, there are a load of cowards who don't like being criticized on social media.

It was fine, I guess, but watching that Raw can anyone honestly tell me that WWE has learned its lessons for what went wrong at Mania? If you include NXT, the company has the greatest roster of wrestling talent ever assembled, and yet you have your main event at your biggest shows being booed.

To be fair, without the flippers (added in '47) the game was more like a game of chance than we would recognise today, and the addition of prizes (cigarettes and cash) also made it feel like a gambling machine. More importantly, the mob did have loads of pinball connections because it was an excellent way of money

It's less about hype and more about tail. A movie can be sold to TV stations globally as part pf a package. A 'you want our best movies you also need to take a couple of shit ones for it'. Bad films, moreover, damage directors or actors, rarely studios.

Sad news about press play. Kalimba was an excellent game.

That back wall — the one that we never see — is creeping me the fuck out.

Yeah. It's weird being a 30+ person who grew up in the Attitude era. About half of my life has had McMahons feuding (either among themselves or on the same side). There's also the sad realisation that some 20 years old only know John Cena as a Wrestlemania headliner.

If you take away the wild animals and crafting, which parts of Far Cry *do* you enjoy?

Great, thanks!!

Anyone want to break down what matches and promos I should watch this week?

Thanks for the memories, American Dragon. They'll never be able to take that 'Mania moment from you.