
I have seen it. What of it?

Do you not have cinema unlimited card type things over there?

Yeah, I've probably done it in the past. "This is so funny because I would never say this" is a contradiction I think a lot of young men from our generation had to work through. A lot of my mates haven't got there.

I have had mates over the past few years use those types of arguments. They're now in the 30s, some of those arguments have really helped shape certain types of discourse.

"Believing in things is for douches, everyone is an idiot except me!"

Although as a counter, it is fucking remarkable how persistent the 'I identify as a dolphin' is in discussions about trans people.

Interesting article. I'd probably say that South Park reflects cultural change rather than drives it, but the shift from 'healthy, amused skepticism to…cynicism and self-satisfied superiority, then into nihilism, then into blanket, misanthropic hatred' captures so much that is wrong with the world.

Carl doesn't even see gender. He thinks it's sexist to actually bring it up, that's how much he doesn't even see it.

But I don't think the creators of the series and the creators of GLOW *do* have to navigate those same questions. We get loads of the women's backgrounds on the Netflix show, explaining that many of these women are doing this job because they are desperate for a job. We get narratives where the women frustrated with

I'm so glad you've addressed some of those criticisms. That Guardian article in particular really frustrated me because I thought the show negotiated those complexities about race and gender in an interesting manner. Like, you don't need to have a complete understanding of wrestling, but it shows how wrestling works

It'd be hard to look beyond Io Shirai, Kairi Hojo, Meiko Satomura and Asuka. Heidi Lovelace and Kimber Lee are current NXT talents who are probably at the technical level of Charlotte.

Gus has definitely lurked in some of the pick up artist chat rooms if not actively participated there. That's definitely why he took up magic.

Gus is a terrible, terrible person.

This season is a bit of a strange one. Season one's arc was 'what kind of emotional shit would be going on with two characters if a rom com style meet cute actually happened'. The answer, and the punchline, was sex and drug addiction and layers and layers of narcissism. But now they're having to scale that back a bit


Absolutely. The entrances were the most stage managed I think they've ever been. No risks were taken in the crowd hijacking the match. Tye came out at 10, had a brief moment, and then was eliminated. No annoying 10 chants, no boos for Randy.

I think my highlight of the year was being at the Brixton Progress show where he did it to three people in a 4 man tage, and Dave Mastiff came in and just looked annoyed.

The dude is smart and has frankly stolen the show at everything I've ever been at, and he's one of those wrestlers whose brain is always thinking and working out where he's at. Then again, I'm a manc lad like he is, so perhaps I'm biased.

Great to see that Jack is truly the standout performer in the division, something anyone who has seen him live already knew.

And if we want to push theories, Arnold is a nineteenth century philosopher who believed that anarchy and modern culture threatened to destroy us, but culture could reveal our true, beautiful natures. And Bernard was a nineteenth century scientist who believed that the laws of inanimate objects were the same laws that