
"I predict in the future some white kids will make some low-fi indie films about how difficult it is being white kids".

That's being bugging me so much. It doesn't make sense. To begin with I thought it was just a funny, kooky thing. But for a hugely, rich experience, that would take you out of the moment. When is the show meant to be set? If it is way off in the future, then it would make sense.

My stray observations:

At this stage I wouldn't be surprised if everyone except Ford isn't a robot, and he's just living out the same loop over and over again.

I'd stock up on these bad boys, because during the impending apocalypse your fancy pants, modern ultra connected consoles are going to be useless.

Was the Ashley Madison stuff (big) news in America, out of interest?

Looking at fancy pants over there, bragging about his telly shows shot on film, network syndication, and their weak trade unions.

You don't think a Maoist corporate-communist state, and its inbuilt oppression and religion, region and class, has cultural or artistic commentators talking about political and social power, media representation, or identity politics?

Isn't there one of those weird internet fan theories in which Phoebe is still a drug addicted homeless woman and the other five are meth delusions of someone imagining a more middle-class life? Maybe Netflix bought into that.

I don't eat 'meat' but occasionally eat fish. Having tried to do it your way and the 'I'm vegetarian way', let me assure you that the latter is a lot easier.

I'd burn through that WWE Hidden Gems collection as fast as you can.

Speaking as an old-school intellectual, I can assure you that most of us neither love nor hate the rise of things like Wikipedia. What we challenge our students to do is to question all information presented to them, and to think about how that argument has been constructed. Having read widely about a subject,

I really, really hate that "SJW" can be considered the "extreme-left". It's not even an ideology, and literally no one in the world realistically self-describes as such. It's boring when it's used on the internet like an actual position to argued against, but if you're going to position yourself as above all that — as

One of the greatest documentaries about the nature of fame, particularly in that period, is Molly Dineen's Geri. It shows how desperate for any level of 'love' she was. She was by far the most interesting character in the group. [https://www.youtube.com/wat…]

Wannabe sounded MUCH more punk rock than Bush. Five women who couldn't sing, couldn't write, couldn't rap, couldn't dance, but formed a band. And had the courage to release a single that sounded as talented as they were, but being utterly fucking brilliant at the same time. The post-modern, 1990s, corporate-synergy

Did anyone else use 1.2 Solitaire for their Goldeneye playing? My friends laughed at me at the time but I basically feel like I predicted the future.

Doesn't have the indie cred, doesn't have the NXT cred. He basically suffered for working his arse off in WWE for fifteen years. That's such a motivation! Could be a hell of a run.

"Eva Marie’s fake injury is quickly ruined by her neither knowing how to feign injury (which is a big problem for a professional wrestler) or remembering which leg is “injured,” as well as her barely being able to keep a grimace from being a smile."