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    This show was really bad. I watched it when it aired in the UK and nobody there liked it much, hence the poor ratings. I was surprised to see so many of the episodes getting such high grades here, considering how it mostly felt like the kind of bad young adult fare that we've seen way too much of.

    I agree with some of the points made in this review, but I thought this was among the best stuff we've gotten with Robert, possibly ever. The scenes in the park really worked for me. And Carrie Preston was an utter delight as she always is. And I laughed so much. So definitely not a C+ for me. More a B+.

    We may have different definitions of "engaging", but I'm finding this show much more engaging than Atlanta, which was also a great show, but a quite meandering slow burn that didn't demand my attention, but rather expected me to go with it, even when nothing went on. This show, on the other hand, is all up in your

    This show makes a great case for why more Netflix dramas/comedy-dramas should be half-hours. There's so much padding in many of their hour-long shows (which are almost always 52+ minutes), and a slimmer run-time often leads to a more focused show. Some of my favorite dramas or comedy-dramas the past years have been

    I enjoyed the film a lot, but I can already tell from this episode that I'll prefer the show. Superb start!

    You're clearly joking, but Dom Sherwood is a 10 in England. Grint's a 6 on a good day.

    I haven't read the book, but from the (largely positive) reviews I've read of this show so far, it doesn't sound like it is trying to send the message that people treating you badly is a good reason to take your own life. As for the focus on the peers that receive these tapes, the message seems to be more one of

    And isn't it just perfect. And so very Elizabeth.

    If The Comeback can – ahem – come back, then so can Enlightened. Please, HBO.

    Laura Dern is one of those actors who's always worth watching, even in middling projects, and she'll always elevate the material. Take The Fault in Our Stars for instance. A generally well-received teen weepie occasionally veering into maudlin territory. But her performance? So good. There's a scene in which her sick

    Oh yeah, for sure. But he's still her dad. So revisiting their dynamic would be interesting to me.

    Those articles actually epitomize my point about false equivalency. So it seems that we are missing each other's points here. Because you are simply arguing that "alt-left" is a term that is used (with whatever connotations.) Meanwhile, I'm arguing that using the term "alt-left" is misleading and works to establish a

    None of what's in your post is a rebuttal of my point of false equivalence.

    There is no such thing as the "alt-left". It establishes a false equivalence. "Alt-right" is a fancy name white supremacists, racists and Nazi sympathizers have given to themselves. They fight to limit or remove the rights of other human beings to establish white supremacy. There is no equivalence to that on the other

    Adding her character on this show was a great choice. I'm not sure if this has been confirmed or ruled out but I do hope Alan Cumming will pop by at some point, even for just an episode.

    That's too bad after last week's brilliance. You can't afford too many of these in a 10-episode season, as opposed to in a 22-episode season, where some misfires or filler episodes are to be expected.

    Must've been the average-looking Brit quota. Maybe there's room for Ron, too.

    Yeah, Ron Weasley is totally CW material.

    I've thought Nicholas D'Agosto was very cute ever since he and his puppy eyes appeared on Heroes and I very much enjoyed John Lithgow in The Crown recently, so I'm definitely checking this out.

    Last season of this show started out great, but as the season progressed, they tried to incorporate too much stuff and it just didn't fully come together. I hope the back half or so will be stronger this year.