
The Baratheon bannermen were split between Renly and Stannis when the war first started; then they all went with Stannis after Renly's death; and then they either defected after Shireen's death or they died outside Winterfell. There is no Baratheon army any more.

Her original song had lyrics about how Photoshop was bad ("we know that shit ain't real, come on now, make it stop"), but she recently admitted to being 'shopped for her latest promo photos, so… that may account for her new foxiness.

My first thought, after hearing "Dear Future Husband", was "Does she honestly think anyone would marry her after hearing what sounds like a list of random demands"?

Best description of Meghan Trainor I've heard yet. Thanks for that one.

Put a donk on it!

It's amusing to see someone do a total 180 in the space of two albums. Weren't all of her first songs endlessly critical of generic pop divas, and now she's doing music videos set in dark warehouses with "sexy" dance moves and talking about her breasts?

Sailor Moon, I could see, because she's frequently shown to be lazy and she's always eating.


An entire review without a mention of why the band are called Twin Peaks? On a pop culture site? Do they take cues from Angelo Badalamenti's iconic soundtrack from the TV show? Is there influence in the lyrics? Did they start out as a tribute to Twin Peaks and then segue into more original fare? Is the name just a

This is why I don't bother with trailers, even for films I'm really excited to see. Not only do they lay out the entire narrative arc of the film, allowing anyone with half a brain to fill in the gaps, but they also make every film look totally identical. It's very rare that a trailer makes me want to see a film. It's

Hyperbole at its worst. Anyone who's read a book in their life could tell you that the last two books aren't "terrible". Slow-paced, yes. Perhaps you don't like the focus on smaller stakes, or some of the specific character moments, but terrible? C'mon.

I dunno. The books are dizzyingly dense and can't be at all easy to write. I couldn't write a novel of that size or complexity in fifty years; it seems unfair to criticise GRRM for taking five years.

I think I'm the only person who, at the age of 10, worked out the barrel in 5 seconds and has never had trouble since. If only that keen foresight had persisted till my adult years!

Did anyone notice that Jaqen said "I will give a girl her eyes back", instead of his usual "A man will give a girl her eyes back"?

I have to agree with him. I'm not an elitist, but how can you possibly got invested in a film or appreciate its aesthetic on a tiny handheld screen with tiny, tinny speakers?

Bucky killing the Stark parents was confirmed during The Winter Soldier. It was subtle, but it was there.

Age of Ultron, sure, but Ant-Man? I'm of the opinion that they nailed the potential of the character and got the tone just right, and the final fight is one of the most creative in the MCU. What did you feel was a dud about it? Not being nasty; just haven't heard it likened to AoU too often.

My girlfriend and I just cracked up laughing at it. It's absurd to the point of parody now!

He was in the last episode of season five, speaking with Olenna Tyrell in the remains of his brothel. She essentially blackmailed him into helping free Loras and Margaery, and he said he'd give her the same gift that he'd given Cersei: a boy. Which boy? Who knows. I imagine we'll see a continuation of that soon.

I don't get why people get so nuts about celebrities. I've been to gigs and seen the band who were playing in a bar beforehand. What did I do!? Absolutely sod all. They were having a drink; I would only bother them.