
JERRY: "Who's a man and a half?"

In all fairness, the show hasn't actually identified the green people as "the children of the forest". It made that rushed revelation that they created the White Walkers even more unsatisfying. I'm sure there's a scene filmed somewhere that they cut for time.

The Lannisters' priorities are a mess right now. Dorne is in open rebellion and have murdered the king's sister, and instead they send 8,000 men north to help liberate Riverrun? Sure, okay.

I'm British and didn't recognise him. Game of Thrones is pretty much the only TV programme I watch, so…

The ONLY one of these I've genuinely enjoyed, with no qualifiers, was "The Wolverine". The film had style and pacing, the correct amount of connection to the larger X-Men franchise, and Wolverine's claws were finally treated like the lethal weapons they're supposed to be.

Ya ya ya.

A thousand ships built from moss and rocks, in the space of a few weeks! What could possibly go wrong?

I must just enjoy the boring stuff! I thought this episode was head and shoulders above last week's, which was too abrupt with its twists and nonsensical at times.

It bugged me that Jaquen said "If a girl says her name, I will give her eyes back" a couple of weeks ago. He said "a man" in every other sentence! Why just that one time?!

Now this felt like proper Game of Thrones to me.

Well said. As a British person with no interest in politics, everything in the world being compared to Donald Trump is dull. Not every work of fiction in every genre is somehow influenced by some cunt of a Presidential candidate, in the same way that real life isn't influenced by my bizarre obsession with fictional

I don't dislike her, but she is dull. I found everyone in Crimson Peak dull and insufferable, mind you.

We're getting closer to Fahrenheit 451's concept of walls covered with shifting patterns passing as entertainment.

Blumhouse? Ick. They've almost single-handedly turned the entire horror genre into a pick 'n' mix bag of identical jump scares and rote direction. I'd have genuine trouble telling you the difference between a scene in The Conjuring or Sinister 2 or Insidious 3. I'll pass, Carpenter's involvement or not.

The first film was an utter disaster that insulted the intelligence and absurdity of the original story. I was hoping a sequel would never be made. And why have they waited this long?! Just even more out of ideas than usual?

*toilet flushes; Johnnyboy emerges with a newspaper under his arm*

I hope Littlefinger survives until tje very end. His schemes and manipulations are one of the best parts of the story, especially in Aiden Gillan's increasingly evil Irish accent.

I've seen it said a lot in recent week that people watch TV shows or films sped up. You guys must value your free time a lot more than I do…

It's always referred to as "the Common Tongue" in the books.

She only actually says "Where are my dragons" once! The internet turned into a meme and a GIF and all that, which is probably why people remember her saying it constantly. It really is just the one time, though.