
This is entirely true. Everyone I work with loves GoT but still call them "the dwarf", "the queen", "the younger sister", and so on. The only names anyone ever remembers are Ned Stark and Jon Snow.

I really need to watch it again. I saw it on Blu-ray a few months ago and kept zoning out because I was bored. I'm CONVINCED I'm wrong because everybody else loves it.

Just to be contrarian, I saw it in the cinema when I was 14 and didn't enjoy it at all. It may even be where my lifelong indifference of endless CGI chases comes from, come to think of it.

I was actually disappointed that my entire crew survived the suicide mission the first time I played it. Imagine watching The Dirty Dozen and all twelve make it through unscathed. Without losses, it makes the stakes seem much lower.

I'm sure you've been told it many times, but it's worth giving it a go with the Extended Cut if you haven't already. It's free and was released only a few months after ME3, and it turned the endings from rushed hollow ones to, in my (incredibly rare) opinion, some of the most satisfying endings in gaming history.

So you read the last book five years ago, have never seen the show, but read comment threads on it? How you spend your time is up to you, but…

Which one?

I like how half of these suggestions are "I dunno, X playing a brand new Stark who was never mentioned before" or "X playing a brand new character who kills Ramsay Bolton", when if any of those things actually happened the AVC review would tear it apart for poor storytelling…

I'm just glad that people at work have stopped saying "I bet you love Big Bang Theory! They like all the same stuff as you! You're JUST LIKE SHELDON."

They won't learn. But then again, who does?

I'd put my money on "Blade Runner: Revelations". A popular choice for unnecessary sequels.

Great username/comment synergy there.

A bomb?!

I'm in the small subset of people who thought Avatar was entirely worthless…

It's odd, because I found the film to be embarrassingly juvenile in its sense of humour, characterisation, and tone. I actually cringed when Donald Glover was running around making whooshing noises to illustrate his plan, and the same goes for every one of Mark Watney's trailer-friendly, T-shirt-ready one-liners.

The opening and closing credits are included in the runtime, to the best of my knowledge.

Oh, I'm fine with the plot being what it is, I just think it's disingenuous to title it "Batman vs. Superman" when their fight almost certainly won't be the main event and almost certainly won't end with a decisive winner because neither character can be made to look inferior.

If you have the bladder of a large camel, it is. Most films that go over 2 hours these days have me squirming in my seat as a balloon slowly inflates somewhere inside me.

The thing I find most amusing (and confounding) about all the posters showing Batman and Superman throwing punches at each other is that their OWN MARKETING has already spoiled that they team up to fight Doomsday, alongside Wonder Woman!

Very informative and concise response. I really can't say I'm a fan, but you've explained why other people would be. Good post, man. And Hell, it'd be boring if we all liked the same stuff, right?