
AV Club always reviews mainstream releases as if they're subversive works of art, and grades them accordingly. I'm sure Justin Bieber got a B. I mean, come ON.

Kanye West is one of those things that prove I'm either too old or too uncool or too… something to keep up with the world.

*bites tongue and resists saying "because it was shit"*

This guy's really just a total bellend, isn't he?

If he's anything like any other 12-year old I've ever known, he'll have seen far more graphic sex scenes than the ones in 300. Hell, most people I know lost their virginity at 12. Maybe that's just my area, though.

Of course. Most of the stuff I like qualifies as garbage to everyone else I know. It's all opinions, at the end of the day.

I live in the UK and can state that commercial radio doesn't really bother with him. I remember hearing "All Day All Day" a few times on Radio 1, mainly because my coworkers kept bitching about how crap it was. Couldn't tell you anything else he's done, so I'd assume he's less than ubiquitous here.

Probably one of the many reasons I think he's awful.

My girlfriend said this guy is The Emperor's New Clothes. He's famous because he acts like it, not because he's done anything of value. "Oooh, I'm not telling you what my new album's called!! You'll just have to guess!" Yeah, nobody gives a toss, mate.

My favourite story about Chris Martin's utter mediocrity is that he wrote the song "Paradise" for another artist, but ended it keeping it for Coldplay because it was "just too good to let go".

Patois? Nah, I'm not really into Belgian cuisine.

Yeah, it's a bit obnoxious.

The first time the single came on the radio, a couple of days ago, one of the supervisors started flapping his arms like a penguin and squawking "WARK WARK WARK WARK". Now we all do it every time it comes on. That's the only thing I have to contribute to this discussion.

You replied to "Missing the Point"… and…

And then were silenced, we can only hope.

I honestly don't know anybody excited for this. The original film was an event, to be sure, but realistically it was overly long, stunningly predictable, and had the acting and graphics of a late era Final Fantasy game. Did anybody care about those characters? And is there even any more story that needs to be told?


I've never seen any of the films, but I find it genuinely fascinating how they won't just stick to a naming convention. I mean:

I just finished rewatching the entire series, Fire Walk With Me and its "Missing Pieces" a few hours ago. It's going to be a long year waiting for the new series… but not as long as all the years spent not waiting.

I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with…