
What is this administration distracting us from?

Dark Meat McNuggets is an awesome porn name.

You're right! I, too, do not want some quack saw-bones applying his leeches to me.

Yeah why would I want chicken that tastes like coleslaw?

It looks like it has some pop to it.

It tastes better on titties? Fascinating.

You have been doing it wrong. The wench is supposed to loosen, not tighten your nuts. Righty tighty, lefty loosey.

Don't forget it has one silver leg.


It is a helluva drug.

Yeah me too. I was in the 4th grade. I turned out just fine!

Dying is dying. The more you know.

Well one thing that Arby's knows is that you don't make friends with salad.

You and me both.

Eh, we are still pretty gross no matter what.

So this is what it sounds like…when doves cry.

Yes, indeed. Please keep them alongside your perfectly preserved jars of urine. Yes, we all know it's not all yours….but still!

This thread is coming from inside your house!

Asian Azz to Phat White Azz; Requiem for a Ream part 22

A year ago.