To quote Jesse Custer: "why is it the greatest champions of the white race always turn out to be the worst examples of it? You! Where the fuck is your chin?"
To quote Jesse Custer: "why is it the greatest champions of the white race always turn out to be the worst examples of it? You! Where the fuck is your chin?"
Fair point. I'm not in any rush to defend a reprehensible shitheel like Sean Spicer, and I'm not interested in playing 'fairness moderator', as you put it, since I don't believe this administration deserves any such thing. They're awful people and they need to be fought at every turn.
I don't deny it's an awful place that the US (and, by extension, the rest of the world) finds itself in, and you're right. Ignorance, stupidity and arrogance can lead to terrible things, but I just didn't see him denying the Holocaust at any point, and for people to scream "HE'S DENYING THE HOLOCAUST!" lessens the…
I think the 'holocaust denial' charge is a little bit over the top. The man's just a fucking clown who clearly did not think through what he was saying before he said it. Following in his Orange Overlord's footsteps!
I heard Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms.
Holy fucking shit, Robert Rodriguez directed the Faculty. I watched that movie a bunch of times as a teenager and had no idea.
Classic sunk cost fallacy. These people are too invested to back out now, even as they watch the moron take away everything they value.
I bet Michael Biehn was pissed. Aliens is like the only film he's ever made where he makes it through alive.
I've watched this trailer more times than is healthy now (the book is hands-down my favourite book ever, shitty ending notwithstanding) and I've noticed a few things of interest:
Rumour is that it's R-rated.
Word is they're going to make a follow-up that will deal with the adult portion.
I was embarrassingly into Korn as a teenager. I had my little Korn wallet attached to my super-baggy combat pants with a chain and everything.
I think you're forgetting John Boy and his mighty clip-on ponytail!
I think the intent of that scene can be read in the tone: it's meant to be a sweet moment of togetherness and coming of age, but it's next-to-impossible to write juvenile group sex in a way that isn't icky as hell, and the intent is lost in the execution of the act to the extent where it really should have been…
He's a righteous man!
It's really not very good. It's aged badly and it's only scary if you're a kid.
The ending sucks balls as most Stephen King endings do, but what a fantastic journey to get there. Everything pre-sewers is wonderful. It's the Goodfellas of novels for me — I've read it a dozen times and could read it a dozen more without getting bored.
Pretty psyched after watching that. The 90's miniseries scared me as a kid, but upon watching it as an adult you realise how cheesy it is. This looks like it might do the stellar book justice.
Uncle Frank is indeed an utter douche in both films.
His delivery of "I love you!" in the hotel suite is pitch perfect and never fails to crack me up.