
If he kept the coast to his left to get to King's Landing, no wonder it took three seasons to get there.

They paid a fortune to costume that one bald guy who loves knives!

…a large cast of likable characters?

This is definitely something worth quibbling over.

Very sad news. It's become fashionable to bash Linkin Park in recent years, but Hybrid Theory was the shit when I was in my late teens and they eclipsed the bands they came up supporting (Korn, Deftones, although Deftones are still fantastic). RIP Mr. Bennington.

Embarrassing confession: I have no idea what a 'key' is in the musical sense, nor does that version of Black Dog sound particularly different to the original to me.

You're really gonna use the term 'cuck' now?

I guess? Pretty weird thing to get your knickers in a twist over, but each to their own.

Did I imply that it was?

Fuck that rape scene. I made myself sit through it the first time and I was just utterly horrified. Such a thoroughly awful, unpleasant scene.

Visitor Q. I generally shy away from 'extreme' movies that revel in putting sick shit on the screen, but I went into that one unprepared, and… it was really, really unpleasant. I snapped the DVD in half and forgot I'd ever bought it.

Insisting on referring to them using names that they obviously were never comfortable with, and didn't reflect who they were, just makes you a dick. There's not really much more to say on the matter.

I'm struggling to think of why this is so important to you. They're transgender. It's basic human decency to refer to them by their preferred gender.

Oh fuck yes, that's a fantastic idea. That book is wonderful.

Although it was probably, in hindsight, utter dogshit, Burn: Cycle will always have a special place in my heart. Also, even it though it was objectively dogshit, Psychic Detective.

Peter Molyneux still makes a nuisance of himself from time to time. Though he was never exactly 'rock star', just super fucking full of himself.

Ground Zero Texas FTW!

Oliver Sava is not the reviewer anything needs right now (or ever).

He was rightly uncooperative when asked to leave a flight that he booked a fucking ticket for. His dignity was taken away by United and the Airport police who used disproportionate force to "re-accommodate" the poor man. That you could take the side of United and the police in this is just astonishing. I'm sure if

All in favour of leaving alligators unmolested, say aye.