I thought Tobey MacGuire was terrible casting for Peter Parker. Too wooden, not funny enough and incredibly boring.
I thought Tobey MacGuire was terrible casting for Peter Parker. Too wooden, not funny enough and incredibly boring.
It's a crazy world we live in where Aunt May is hot.
Well, I'd watch an Aquaman movie.
It didn't think it was special at all. It was a sleeper hit (got released the same year as The Phantom Menace and wasn't heavily marketed). As for the plot — yes, it's basically the Hero's Journey, but it's masterfully executed. A phenomenal opening that pulls you right in, a great villain in the form of Smith, and…
Has it really not aged well? Maybe I'm getting old (and holy shit it's been 17-18 years!) but it's an annual watch for me and I still find it cool as fuck.
The Crow is so fucking 90's. I rewatched it a few months ago and, the awesome character of Top Dollar aside, I found that it hadn't aged so well.
You're all right, Goth Ms. Frizzle. You're all right.
The Boys is fucking dreadful. A much more puerile, much less creative version of Watchmen. But I will throw down with anyone who doesn't love Preacher or Punisher MAX.
The great thing about the Trio is that nobody treated them as a serious threat at all — they were completely laughable to the Scoobies, they were largely ineffectual, and they were just pathetic. Even the audience (well, me) never saw them as a legitimate threat. Then Dead Things happened and the whole dynamic of the…
Today's the last one? Lame. I was hoping for a SMG interview. Oh well. Here's hoping they have an Angel week when that reaches its 20th anniversary. Only 3 or so years to go!
It's her actual name, rather than a shortened name.
As a 34-year-old lifelong Buffy fan (OK, so lifelong since it started airing) who is frequently mocked for his love of a "teenage girl's show", I just have to say that I am digging the shit out of Buffy Week.
I've watched Buffy the whole way through… I dunno, ten or so times, but I haven't watched 'Go Fish' maybe the last six times. Awful, awful episode (and I hate Wentworth Miller and his 'acting').
I honestly never found it that bad, to be honest.
They totally followed up on it in S7's 'Selfless' though!
I never found Spike's accent believable (speaking as a fellow Brit) because it wasn't really from anywhere (is he southern? Northern?) and he has a few moments where he pronounces words in an American way or uses American slang (this last could be explained by the amount of time he'd spent in America, I guess).
Xander did it out of jealousy, pure and simple. He hated Angel before he lost his soul and he'd stick the knife in any chance he got. There was nothing altruistic about his "kick his ass" line.
He grew over time into a much better actor. He's genuinely great at some points in Angel (mostly around the Reprise/Epiphany part of Angel season 2), and if you compare that stuff to season 1 of Buffy it's like two different people.
Right. There's that shot of him in "Passion" where he's standing outside Buffy's, waiting for her to get the phone call about Jenny's death, and the pleasure he takes in watching her and Willow break down is one of the most perverse, nakedly evil actions any Big Bad ever took in Buffy.
The Willow-Xander relationship was a total betrayal of Xander's characterisation. He had never shown the slightest interest in Willow before that. It was a thankfully rare moment on Buffy of characters serving plot, rather than the other way around.