They should have kept Professor Walsh as the antagonist for the run of the season, with Adam as just her muscle/surrogate son. Would have made for a much better arc.
They should have kept Professor Walsh as the antagonist for the run of the season, with Adam as just her muscle/surrogate son. Would have made for a much better arc.
That cut from the "Once More with Feeling" flashback to her impaled body is essentially identical to a similarly cruel flashback in "The Body", but I'll be goddamned if it doesn't work.
Oh, man. Mr Trick was fantastic. Affable in his own way, like the mayor, but obviously still evil. I love it when he's so polite to the drive-thru worker then just eats him anyway.
Dark Willow was good initially, but she became a bit cheesy after she got over the rush of grief-fuelled vengeance and turned into a typical smug self-assured supervillain. That whole random temple thing was just so left-wing and bizarre, too.
You hit the nail on the head with the S2/S3 comparisons. It's exactly as I've always seen the two — for every 'Innocence', 'Passion' and 'Becoming', you have a 'Bad Eggs', 'Some Assembly Required' or 'Go Fish' in S2. S3 has so almost no bad episodes.
S2 Angel cut Buffy deeper and was a more personally devastating villain thanks to Jenny Calendar (spoiler alert), but the Mayor was probably the best villain of the run. Also a nice commentary on how even the most affable politicians are probably secretly fucked up behind closed doors.
I would wear the shit out of a Lorne suit. RIP Andy Hallett.
Season one is so fucking 90's though. Especially Xander with that floppy haircut and the garish shirt-over-T-shirt combos.
Storyteller was a great episode, but yeah, fuck how easily he got off for Jonathon's death. The guy was living it up in Rome like two years after he murdered his best friend.
I assumed that was a standing Weyland-Yutani order to bring back any alien species encountered. Or possibly that Ash sought clarification after they encountered it; I don't quite remember how it went in Alien.
Doesn't the woman at the beginning of Aliens say that Ripley encountered a species that had "never been recorded once"? Doesn't mean Weyland-Yutani didn't have prior knowledge, but I always got the impression from Alien that that was humanity's first contact with them.
The only way this movie works in the context of the franchise is if every single one of them dies, right?
Doesn't Danny Torrance's story happen out in Colorado rather than Maine?
Everyone knows that Billy Dee Williams' defining role was Acting Director Boyle in Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars.
I'm a Brit who read the Guardian faithfully growing up, as it was the best source of objective news around. Now it's three news articles at the top of the website and fifteen sanctimonious, didactic opinion pieces telling us exactly how we should feel about everything. Suggestions for alternative news sources are…
A movie where government agents summarily execute starving looters? Sign me up!
'Judgment' and 'judgement' are both correct.
I think Cracked has jaded me somewhat, but I think we need a moratorium on the use of "insane" in article titles.
I don't think you quite get bigotry. Which makes total sense, going off your posts.
It makes people so much easier to block when they go right ahead and put stupid MRA shit like 'cuck' in their user name.