
It actually prompted a hearty chuckle from me. Not getting this Mike Colter hate.

She followed him out.

I will love Buffy to the grave, but the first season is eminently skippable except for a few standout episodes.

I had a real problem with the idea that we were supposed to sympathise with certain characters despite the fact that they were facilitators of what was, basically, rape.

The editing between Vader holding the rebel by the throat and then hurling him into the bulkhead was some Black Dynamite-level clunkiness.

Right. Like anybody who uses the term "SJW" in all earnestness.

The fuck you talking about?

I first saw from Dusk 'Til Dawn when I was about 14, having no idea what it was about, and when that insane tonal shift hit mid-movie it blew my mind. I had already been enjoying the movie because Clooney is such a charismatic sonuvabitch in the role and the dialogue zings,but goddamn was that just amazing to

Pretty sure using her appearance to disparage the point she's making means you're part of the problem and not the solution.

I loved Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back when it came out, but I watched it about a year ago and there are just so many jokes there that fall flat.

The house on Neibolt Street is pretty damn terrifying.

Yeah, he really doesn't skimp on the details with what Patrick does. The same with what Henry Bowers does to Mike's dog.

It must really take a lot of work out of fighting your corner, just appropriating other people's words and reposting them like it makes you some kind of fucking genius.

Hey, a Sava article I didn't hate!

Go on and fuck off, you repugnant little weasel.

A Shield picture with that one guy instead of Lem? For shame.

And yet here you are in the comment section.


Ah, the old "there are worse problems in the world so this one doesn't matter" argument. It's got some fancy formal name but whatever name it goes by, it's still bullshit.

Her derriere pouts? She should get that looked at.