
Yeah, you're a real fucking victim in all of this!

Puritanism? Funny, I don't hear many ultra-religious types calling for gun control. Hell, I don't even know why you're arguing. You're winning. Innocent people are dying on an almost weekly basis and they still won't take away your fucking toys, so congratulations, I guess?

If you're not intelligent enough to see the distinction between arbitrarily burning a woman for agricultural misadventures and attempting to control the production of weapons whose only purpose is the ending of another human being's life, then you're part of the problem. But then, that was fairly obvious in the first

Well, fuck.

They are made to pay the consequences — they see what happens when you mess with the Orphans. Which, apparently, is car fires and running away.

I have only been to New York once, for around three days, but I made damn sure to get on the subway and go down to Coney Island. I may have confused a lot of the staff on the pier by repeatedly asking about merchandise for a movie that came out 20 years before they were born.

I have to say I kinda like Qyburn. Sure, he's weird and creepy and is into some seriously dark shit, but damn does the man get shit done.

It's OK, you can hashtag. Don't be scared of Whovian.

You'd have thought that Ned could have confided in Cat, at least. It would have saved both her and Jon a lot of heartache.

I found myself rooting for Cersei this season because of the unctuous sliminess of the High Sparrow and her walk of shame, but it seems she's firmly back in the 'villain' column.

Maybe I'm just dumb, but can anyone explain by what mechanism Cersei ended up as queen? Is a king/queen's parent the 'heir' if there are no other options?

I hope that her pre-battle talk with Jon was her testing the waters and she realised that he was too impetuous to exercise any sort of tactical cool, and so she withheld the Knights of the Vale to force Ramsay to overcommit. Of course, this is the show that had Arya blithely walk around Braavos despite knowing the

There are real-life historical figures just as awful as Ramsay (Elizabeth Báthory, Gilles De Rais). I actually agree that Ramsay was a fairly terrible one-note character, but it's not as if he's necessarily unrealistic.

"World's most expected deus ex machina"

Bit weird

I 100% agree with you when it comes to real life — awful violence against awful people is no answer at all. Within the context of a TV show like this though, I can feel that a character like Ramsay got his just desserts without also feeling that rapists should be hung up by their balls in real life.

I'm fanwanking that they fed the dogs drugged meat, dragged Ramsay in, left the kennels open and locked it again.

Before the Arya debacle I would have said that this thread was going to spin out into satisfying character development, but then the stupid horseshit that was the Arya denouement happened and it could be that Sansa is just being a moron. I really hope it's not the case and she deliberately withheld the information

Also dragons.

Long time coming to be honest. She got off far, far too easy for the cruel burning of Westeros' sweetest little girl.