
No Boys of Summer?

That's pretty clever. Are you like in Mensa?

Surely she can be the world's greatest assassin without actually being a Faceless (Wo)Man? I mean, she got all their bullshit training.

No, I was doing a kind of juxtaposition thing where I put a frivolous thing with other, non-frivolous things. The ones you have to explain are always the best.

How is it in 1893?

I binged it too, a couple of months back, and the only one of those characters I remember is Wee Hughie, who is too brazen a likeness of Simon Pegg and has some supremely retarded catchphrase ('Jinks', was it?). I was profoundly disappointed, being a huge fan of Ennis' Punisher MAX run as well as Preacher.

Thanks for that.

Seems that the Duke isn't going to be a thing either, which is a shame. One of the more inspired completely mental touches of the comics.

Yeah. They pretty much need to nail Jody. He's one of the best villains in any medium.

Ennis made a big point in the comics of Jesse being really, really good with his fists.

I absolutely fucking love the comics, and my biggest concern is that they're just gonna stick around in Annville for the whole season. Early Preacher was so much about the road trip aspect as much as the batshit insanity.

This is England also does a great job of capturing authentically working-class homes.

The Dawn of the Dead remake was pretty damn good.

I don't know how true that is. It's not that the portrayal of casual sex was forbidden, it's that it was always portrayed in an extremely negative light. Buffy was punished for doing it. Cordelia was punished for doing it (in Angel, but still). Faith was shown to regularly do it and she was evil. The only character

I haven't seen any of Merchant's solo stuff, or Life is Short. I do know he was the funniest thing in Extras, which was already pretty funny.

The Office is, for me, the greatest British TV comedy of all time, and Extras is wonderful too, but everything Gervais has done since only proves that Stephen Merchant was the power behind the throne. He comes across too much like a douchey bully without Merchant to ground him.

Re: the season 4 shitheel: I love Buffy until the end of time but its treatment of casual sex was offensively puritanical throughout its entire run.

I thought they did a good job of building Warren up as an insecure, misogynistic piece of shit turned murderer. In his first appearance he was a guy who'd built a sexbot and then abandoned her when he managed to snag a real woman, whom he still lied and condescended to when the chips were down. His behaviour slowly

Genuine chuckle from the quote about robots.

You're a Doctor Who fan?