

You should watch Oz.

What amazed me about the Sansa scene was the people that were here, in the AV Club comment section for the episode, seriously claiming that it wasn't rape because she'd consented to marriage.

Can't they just both be terrible?

Uh, yes.

Jurassic World was terrible.

Thank God rape standards have gone up.

Murdering his cousin still doesn't rate up there with pushing a fucking child out of a window.

Good. He's like a shitty Roman Polanski, except Polanski is already shitty.

If headsmen comprised 50% of the population and 20% of the rest of the population had undergone beheading or attempted beheading at least once in their lifetime, I'd be right there with you!

Yeah, that's the biggest problem with sexual violence — it's just so boring.

I honestly don't know what's more offensive about the premise of that Jennifer Garner film — the fact that the mother's care and support apparently counts for nothing, or the idea that God considers some children worth saving and not others.

Interesting. I'd always wondered since it gets pronounced differently in different properties. In the latest Batman game they pronounced it so it rhymed with 'race'.

But isn't the whole point of Batman's code that he won't take a life (or allow, through omission of action, for someone to die) no matter what?

He does have his idiosyncrasies, but there's a reason his runs with established characters (Constantine, Punisher) are treated as the definitive take on said character. It's when he indulges his juvenile side towards toilet humour (and a worryingly casual attitude towards male rape) that his stuff starts to fall apart.

Barracuda! Jigsaw! Albanian human trafficker!

Yeah, he goes a bit over the top at times, including the contrived way he writes British characters into his stories despite them almost all being US-centric. I really love his dialogue for Preacher, but it gets old in The Boys (which was fairly terrible all round).

You stick it to the Marvel fanboys!

Because Cassidy, an Irishman, coins the name.

That's some fairly obvious make-up right there.