
Angel did it.

Is it though?

So Matt was suddenly all cool with Elektra killing people? She stabbed two guys through the heart and he just gave a big smile. He also wasn't overly bothered about the Punisher headshotting like three ninjas. Is he less fussy about the Hand being killed because they're immortal or whatever? Also, fuck the whole Hand

Totally don't care about all the ninja shit. More Frank stopping bwahaha monologues with bullets please.

That whole murder-on-sight vs. Hippocratic oath thing might get to be a strain on the relationship, though.

Honestly, I know the ninja stuff is apparently big in the comics, but I could have done without it at all. They just seemed so fucking silly, firing arrows at cars and shit. Learn how to use an LMG for fuck's sake.

They speak French to each other when they arrive at the mansion, so maybe she's supposed to be French in the TV show?

"Is Elektra supposed to be attractive[?]"


I've got no problem with them not really bothering with costumes so much. Gives things a more grounded feel.

Bikers have pretty high CON scores so I'm sure they were fine.

PunisherMAX Bullseye is a creepy, strange little man who'd make for a good DD villain.

I had to do that once. OK, so I actually sat in a subway train for 40 minutes to get my picture taken in front of the Ferris Wheel and baffle locals with questions about Warriors merchandise, but it was kind of like that.

The bottle episode thing is like an AVC Godwin's law at this point.

Did you guys see what they did with the skull x-ray? Because he's the Punisher, right?

The monologue was pretty fucking stupid but dat fight (again).

I think it was when he was threatening to shoot Grotto? I definitely heard him say it.

You turned it off with ten minutes to go? Who does that?

He just has the most soothing voice as Matt Murdock as well. It's ridiculous.

The only thing that really bothered me was how the Punisher went from being directly behind Grotto and Karen to up on a roof with a sniper rifle.