
Not subverting, sorry; fleshing out I guess? For some reason it won't let me edit.

Ennis' run did a good job of subverting that by making him, in addition to a one-man army, a seriously fucked up psychopath.

They honestly should have stuck with the ninja suit. Appropriately low-rent and shitty but still cool.

You obviously didn't read Oliver Sava's reviews carefully enough. She was an agencyless tool of the patriarchy whose only role was to be used and manipulated by the men, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

I recently watched the 2004 Punisher and War Zone back to back (I incidentally hate myself) and WZ was by far the superior movie. It's not great (Doug Hutchinson is awful), but it's way better than the tonal whiplash of Tom Jane's.

From my point of view the Jedi are evil!

Does she work for the ESRB? Does she have any sort of authority to censor video games? No? Shut the fuck up, then, and crack a dictionary every once in a while.

No; the problems that rich white men want fixed are the ones that get dealt with.

My point is that the existence of one problem does not negate the existence of another, no matter which is more pressing. It's reductive and intellectually dishonest to play the 'there are bigger problems' card.

Yes, because there can only be one given problem in the world at any one time.

"Unfortunately". Riiiight.

If i'd scrolled down four comment I would have seen that this had already been mentioned. But yeah, it sounded great, and they had to jettison everything remotely interesting about it to make yet another tired Robin Hood movie.

The only Robin Hood movie they should be making is 'Nottingham', that script that was floating around years ago where the Sheriff was a detective and Robin Hood was an irresponsible douchebag.

Hopefully it's just Bullock scattering George Hearst's teeth across the Gem whilst Swearengen calls him a cocksucker.

It could also mean he's a PTSD-suffering veteran of Afghanistan/Iraq rather than Vietnam, I shouldn't wonder, which could get unintentionally (or intentionally) political.

What's Garth Ennis got to do with it? Not being a dick, genuinely curious what you mean.

Given the 'guilt' theme, I wouldn't be surprised if they make DD somehow directly responsible for creating the Punisher.

I never gave up hope.

You OK? You forgot to upvote your comment.

Honestly, after Dirty Laundry, Tom Jane should have been recast as the Punisher.