
Ah. That I could get behind.

Also, Doug Hutchinson just overacted the shit out of his role (Loony-Bin Benny or something?).

If you're talking about the skintight onesie he sported in that Spider-Man issue, I very much doubt it. Which is good, because that would look lame in Daredevil.

Pretty sure the recipient of most of the Punishment will be Jon Bernthal's scalp.

Dude, I've never heard of 'TERFS' nor do I give a fuck. I'm a feminist because I think women have always got (and still do get) a shitty deal and things need to change. That doesn't mean I'm in any way an activist. I'm all for equality; everybody who is not a straight white male needs to be afforded the same


I couldn't care less what gender a sexist moron is; they're all dipshits who need to stop defining themselves by the denigration of the opposite gender. Your chosen group is renowned for not doing a goddamn thing to help their chosen demographic (because men are, historically, just so fucking oppressed) but rather

A feminist is someone who wants equal opportunities for women. That's not sexism.

That's a lot of weirdly specific things you apparently just saw.

Hi Peadair,

Aawww, did they confuse your bunch of sexist pricks with another bunch of sexist pricks? You want a cookie (prepared by a man, of course)?

Nobody gives a shit about the distinction. A sexist moron is a sexist moron no matter what particular label they give themselves.

What DO MRA's say? Shot in the dark here — does it contain the words 'fallacy', 'misandry' or 'gynocentric'?

You can probably go ahead and skip any comment that contains the word 'fallacy'.

Dear God how many times do you people need to hear that nobody fucking cares what label you put on your little sexist group?

I'm having, like, the most fun scrolling past all the bullshit MRA rhetoric to get to the jokes.

Ah, we've reached the point of the argument where dictionary definitions are copy-pasted. A surefire sign of a winner if ever there was one.

Oh, you guys have a little Matrix nickname for yourselves? That's so cool!

Oh, please. All it takes is five minutes on one of your fucking loathsome forums to see you for the pathetic, woman-hating losers you are.

He sounds like one of the cool sexists.