
Why don't you lose the 'M' from 'MHRM'?

you're probably a feminist yourself, and to feminists all non-feminists look the same.

So you're like a Sonderkommando or something?

I am honestly enjoying the wholesale mocking of these wankers way too much. Not ten seconds goes by I don't chuckle.

Or woman. Doctors can be women, too!

So you're actually claiming to be gay now? Even though that site 'strongly discourages' gay men from joining? Right. Course you are.

I dunno, you all sound like the exact same kind of arseholes to me.

Five minutes looking at the comments under that Return of Kings article is enough to make me want to bleach my eyes. Also my penis.

So it's not about her looking too fat, it's about her looking too old. Gotcha.

If nothing else, I have to give you props for being a remarkably effective troll. I mean, despite your obviously inflammatory douchebaggy behaviour, people have consistently engaged with you the whole way through these reviews. It's almost impressive, except for the part where you have nothing better to do than

Honestly, a film with Obi-Wan solving mysteries on Tatooine would be metal as fuck.

He is a bit cowardly at first, though; upon rewatch it struck me how much he was running away from things — from the First Order, from Rey, from the cantina — up until that fight on Planet Cantina where he finally starts to make a stand. This culminates with him standing up to a darksider who he's already seen in

Well, it's worth remembering that he stood side by side with his comrades whilst they coldly gunned down a lot of innocent people. I realise I'm handwaving to an extent (as did the filmmakers) but it would have obviously been very tonally jarring to spend an extended period of time dealing with Finn's emotional

My point is that for all Star Wars' strengths, giving proper emotional heft to traumatic situations is not one of them and never has been.

It's a pulpy sci-fi/fantasy movie. Luke gave his aunt and uncle about two seconds' thought in the original movie and showed no emotional conflict about all the people who died on the Death Star.

There was nothing working class about her accent at all. Standard RP all the way.

I get where you're coming from, but this sort of attitude just smacks of the old video-game/comic-book nerd elitism. I couldn't give a fuck how slick or 'cool' Abrams is, he's restored the franchise after the mess that the prequels was.

Am I forgetting, or was this the first time in the series a 'TIE fighter' was referred to by name? I can't remember it ever being called as such in the OT.

He got hit with Chewie's bowcaster, which they went to great lengths to show was a really nasty hit to take. Ren was clearly bothered by it a fair bit throughout the scene.